Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [noun] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter , nor do I shirk any responsibility for the actions taken by my officials or for the way in which the Parliamentary Under-Secretary handled the case .
2 Little is known about the ways in which student teachers learn to teach , or about the ways in which preservice professional training might most appropriately be structured to facilitate that learning .
3 It may be used to assign a length scale to the turbulence ; a length can be defined for example as , or as the distance in which R falls to 1/e , or , if the curve has a negative region , the value of r at which R is a minimum .
4 Parentheticals can usually be lifted out , and placed either before or after the sentence in which they are embedded , then connected with their original context by a suitable linking expression ( for discussion of links between sentences , see Chapter 5 , pp. 100 – 5 ) .
5 No poet in the twentieth century has had such a conscious sense of his own work , or of the tradition in which he was operating .
6 One often reads of jealousies , of quarrels , of friendships , of instances of patronage , of pique and of loyalty which illuminate some aspect of a man 's character , of the nature of the society in which he lived or of the system in which he worked .
7 At birth , Piaget sees the infant as having no a priori knowledge of her environment or of the way in which she can act upon it .
8 There is no neurophysiological model of the kind of convergence that would seem to be necessary for the many different sensations of the moment to be brought into synthetic unity , without loss of their individual distinctiveness and specificity , into the instantaneous sense of ‘ being here ’ ; or of the manner in which experience of many different moments can be synthesized into a sense of continuing self without those moments losing their separateness in memory .
9 Just think of stylist Italians clad in leather , or of the French in anything chic-but-not-denim .
10 Got him buried yet , or cremated and his ashes scattered down Threadneedle Street or round the corner in your wine bar on the floor with the sawdust ?
11 The process of training and qualification does not automatically guarantee the surveyor job security and the buyer of professional services is no longer interested either in tradition for its own sake or in the mystique in which many professions have corseted themselves .
12 At the same time , finance is becoming inextricable from questions of industrial policy : do differences in the cost of capital , or in how it is provided , or in the way in which firms are owned , affect firms ' competitiveness in America , Europe and Japan ?
13 ( a ) in saying ‘ Something appears white ’ you are making certain assumptions about language ; you are assuming , for example , that the word ‘ white ’ , or the phrase ‘ appears white ’ , is being used in the way in which you have used it on other occasions , or in the way in which other people have used it .
14 For it will set aside a conviction whenever it appears unjust or unsafe to allow the verdict to stand because some failure has occurred in observing the conditions which , in the court 's view , are essential to a satisfactory trial , or because there is some feature of the case raising a substantial possibility that , either in the conclusion itself , or in the manner in which it has been reached , the jury may have been mistaken or misled .
15 Thus the Bank prefers a guarantee from industrial or financial groups associated with the project , a public authority , or from the government in whose territory the project is being undertaken .
16 The answer to the question whether motivation arousal patterns derive from one 's past or from the situation in which one finds oneself is that they derive from both .
17 Indeed it may well be that it would be impossible to stand in no relation to the past , or to the framework in which one 's mind and one 's awareness as a religious person were formed .
18 Is it to do with the syntactic structure or to the way in which this structure is lexically manifested ?
19 Thus , failure could be due to reluctance to speak English , to the way that black children are suspended between two worlds , or to the manner in which black , particularly West Indian , families do not encourage educational success .
20 Information about the employees will be requested either by the accountants in compiling their report , or by the lawyers in their pre-contract enquiries and disclosure against warranties .
21 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
22 But it certainly could not be said of the master-manufacturers that theirs was the whisper of a faction , nor of the unions in their post-1832 revolutionary phase that theirs was the voice of the nation .
23 This schematic characterization , however , does not do justice either to the manner in which they attempted to keep both poles in play at once , nor to the way in which they came to concede the impossibility of the theoretical projects which they undertook .
24 It was decided in the spring of 1892 to repair and rebuild the tower and as the Vicar in his letter puts it " To rebuild as an ornament to the village with a good clock in it , to make the fabric itself what it should be for a wealthy parish such as ours " .
25 It was of enormous symbolic importance as the second city of Northern Ireland , as the site of the legendary siege of 1689 in which the Protestants resisted the forces of James II , and as the town in which a Nationalist majority was denied control of local government by a particularly flagrant gerrymander of the electoral boundaries .
26 We all know that our success as learners depends very much upon how we feel about the content , whether it is interesting or worthwhile , and about the way in which the learning is approached — whether we will have to sit and listen or take notes , or whether we will be able to become directly involved in the process and dictate its pace .
27 ‘ We 're very fortunate with Verve in that they have a good understanding of why I work and about the way in which I work .
28 When we talk of mobility , we are talking about movement that is both geographical and social , and about the way in which these movements separate family members as well as , perhaps , creating new ties between other family members .
29 It is also about a period of recent history , the 1950s , and about the way in which those years shaped individual lives and collective ideas .
30 Here , we mean by ‘ pragmatic ’ those aspects of language processing which stem from general knowledge about the world and about the way in which people normally convey information in language .
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