Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] long [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He loved life , and for a long time the force was with him .
2 Eventually , the bloody turf wars ceased , and for a long time the authorities either winked at their illegal trade or even helped themselves to the till .
3 But Joseph had always been very devoted to any local news and for a long time the talk of the town had been the Cockermouth man — Fletcher Christian 's — Mutiny .
4 One might call this ‘ applied phonology ’ ; however , the phonological analysis of different languages raises a great number of difficult and interesting theoretical problems , and for a long time the study of phonology ‘ for its own sake ’ has been regarded as an important area of theoretical linguistics .
5 Wordsworth continues to watch , but for a long time the figure refuses to move .
6 Probably the original intention was merely to contrast the procedure with that of a public inquiry ( where , of course , the inquiry is in full view of the public ) but for a long time the bogy of officials beavering away in private and then producing a report which damned some poor individual or organisation , without those officials being in any way accountable , was viewed with grave suspicion .
7 In the modern Hebrew Bible all numbers are written out in full , but for a long time the text was written without vowels .
8 I accept that the number of immigration officers at Heathrow has increased , but for a long time the numbers employed were well below what was required .
9 Of less significance as a provider , but in the long term a more powerful agent of change , was the Canning Town Health Society .
10 Over the years , improved material and application technology and testing has facilitated this process , but in the long term the ability to effect repairs will continue to remain an important requirement .
11 These developments could provide a breathing space in which the pressure on resources is reduced , but in the long term the system can be sustainable only under conditions of stable population .
12 But in the longer perspective the events of 1963 had demonstrated a profound dialogue of the deaf between the strikers , who had chanted " Charlot , des sous ! "
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