Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 This problem can be solved by shortening distances between jumps or between the elements in a jumping lane .
2 If five peaks were set up they could provide the basis for the tentacles of hydra , or for the fingers in the early development of the human hand .
3 He sat at his desk , huddled in his great cloak , oblivious to the cold draughts which came under the door or through the cracks in the wooden shutters on the window .
4 Helen Gardner was aware of the problem , observing that the pursuit of image patterns , or of the ideas in a poem , can be useful to the interpreter , but can not ‘ be more than auxiliary in leading us to the true ‘ meaning' ’ of the work , which is the meaning which enlarges our own imaginative life . ’
5 Their vision rarely seemed to extend beyond the size of their pay packets or of the tits in the vile papers they read .
6 ‘ I 'll sleep on the floor or on the seats in the lounge , or anywhere .
7 Once or twice I caught the N.C.O. staring at me with an expression of hate and disgust but he never maintained it when I stared back , and would look suddenly out of the window or at the papers in the portfolio he was carrying .
8 These are prepared by Counsel in a Court of Session action or by the solicitors in a Sheriff Court action , on the basis of the evidence on the insurance file .
9 This is particularly true of the value of votes for the smaller parties of the centre — the Liberal Party , the SDP and now the Liberal Democrats ; and of the value of votes for Labour in the South and for the Conservatives in the North and in Scotland .
10 The municipal railings had been taken away for the war effort and through the gaps in the makeshift fence of galvanised iron he saw a tramp in an army greatcoat sitting on a green bench .
11 Inside our flat , small drifts of this sand began to blow in under the doors and through the cracks in the window frames .
12 He looked into the wardrobes and through the drawers in the dressing-table and tallboy .
13 Fish excrete both from their vents and through the gills in the form of ammonia .
14 Patients with active duodenitis had comparable proportions of cases with gastric H pylori , regardless of NSAID intake , and despite the differences in the overall prevalence of H pylori in the presence or absence of NSAID .
15 The characteristics of both the phonemes and of the things in the natural world that are selected for specific purposes are arbitrary in themselves but they become meaningful when contrasted with others to form a set .
16 There is a profound contrast between the role of Roland 's betrothed in the Song of Roland , which is trivial , and of the ladies in the romances of Chrétien de Troyes , who control the action .
17 Of the monumental stones he writes " However the knowledge of their general existence may " be interesting , there is nothing in them , individually considered , to call for a particular description , " and of the islands in the lochs he says " Similar remains , situated in the same manner , are seen at Loch Finlaggan ; but none of them present any interest to detain either the painter or the antiquary . "
18 Of the monumental stones he writes " However the knowledge of their general existence may " be interesting , there is nothing in them , individually considered , to call for a particular description , " and of the islands in the lochs he says " Similar remains , situated in the same manner , are seen at Loch Finlaggan ; but none of them present any interest to detain either the painter or the antiquary . "
19 A very extensive programme of interviews and participant observation generated assessments of the work of the CMHTs and of the changes in the service system .
20 The Obedience of a Christian Man was written to emphasise the supreme authority of the king in the state , and of the Scriptures in the Church .
21 After discussions with CNAA Office for Scotland and with the institutions in the SCOTCAT network , it was agreed that the new-style SCOTVEC advanced courses fitted well into the SCOTCAT model of credit accumulation and transfer .
22 I agree with my hon. Friend and with the comments in the article to which he referred .
23 However , some contracts not currently recognised do give rise to firm commitments — for example , both operating and finance leases commonly do so , and under the principles in the chapter , the assets and liabilities stemming from both should be recognised .
24 The outcome has been the imposition of more sentences at the higher end of the punishment tariff over and above the changes in the volume of crime .
25 The causes of this are not entirely clear , but were probably a combination of the increasing costs of warfare ( as the empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine and Danube , and from the Persians in the east ) and of the exhaustion of the Roman mines in Spain , which seem for the first two centuries AD to have provided an important contribution to the difference between Rome 's income ( taxes ) and expenditure ( especially on war ) .
26 The mass of the Moon has also been determined from spacecraft paths in the lunar vicinity , and from the Doppler-shifts in the wavelength of spacecraft radio transmissions to the Earth , shifts induced by the motion of the Earth around the Earth-Moon centre of mass .
27 Thus , the marked advance of women in education and in the professions in the seventies was a notable , if belated testament to social advance , even if some of this progress owed much to the belligerent assertiveness of the feminist movement as well .
28 Nowhere in Thucydides ' account is it safe to think that this expression includes the Spartans , and in the operations in the Megarid the Corinthians , and only the Corinthians , are mentioned by name on the Peloponnesian side .
29 They gather in noisy parties along the roof , on the chimney-pots and in the bushes in the garden .
30 Therefore , please take this response as agreement with your requests for copies of the video and book and for incorporation of your company name on the end credits of the video and in the acknowledgements in the book accompanying the video .
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