Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Lakeside resident Denton Bell said : ‘ Will we have to wait for somebody to die or for a building to burn down before something is done ? ’
2 PEOPLE use patents either as a valid legal weapon to block rival manufacture or as a bluff to put off rival manufacturers who know nothing about patent law and do not take legal advice from a patent agent .
3 From then on I began to interpret each nocturnal sound as a footstep or as a bolt sliding back , and in the misery of the night I turned round and round in bed , my nightdress winding itself tighter and tighter about me , while a little voice inside me complained , ‘ I tried to do right , and now look what you 've done to me .
4 We speak of a judgement in a particular case or of a rule laid down in a judgement as being undoubtedly according to law , but as being ‘ unfair ’ or ‘ unjust ’ or ‘ inequitable ’ .
5 ‘ It 's possible , Brother , ’ he boomed for the umpteenth time , his bewhiskered lips red from the juice of the grape , ‘ quite possible that Sir Bartholomew is still alive and hiding in or near the Tower to carry out his silent war of revenge . ’
6 Their weight is a good guide to the water content , and if the plant seems to be demanding water constantly and wilting frequently , then a thorough soaking is probably necessary , in a bucket of water or with a sprinkler left on .
7 An example might be to focus on car number plates and seeing if you can make a word containing all the letters of the plate number , or in a supermarket look out for all items costing a particular amount of money , or in a crowded room noting the number of people with blue eyes .
8 liability for the death of , or injury to , a member of your family or household or to an employee arising out of or in the course of his/her employment by anyone we insure under this policy
9 Tracey and Morrison suggest that what she was trying to achieve in bringing the prosecution ‘ lay not in punishing Lemon , nor in a sense bringing back to life the blasphemy laws .
10 Their original term was to be twenty-one years , though extension was usual , and few restrictions were imposed on the trusts ' powers of raising capital on the security of the tolls , on their use of it , or on the appointment of toll gatherers , nor on the freedom to contract out the tolls at auction .
11 This could make one gram of tritium in half a day and as a byproduct give back some of the electrical power — one megawatt — from the fusion processes involved .
12 Nearly half of the episcopal hierarchy refused the new oaths , and as a result opened up a schism in the Anglican Church .
13 Jim was also unbeaten in Scotland in all other events and as a result ended up as the official No 1 in Scotland .
14 And as the squabble boiled over , the company threatened never to return if the theatre pressed for lost bar takings , estimated to be £1,650 .
15 And as the horror sunk in , the form of a man who won nine titles last season deserted him .
16 You will need to see the Head to ask him or her for permission to meet in school and for a room to meet in .
17 Answer guide : The way in which this question is designed to be used is to allow students to think through the alternatives and for the tutor to tease out some of the underlying assumptions and test the students understanding .
18 It took five minutes to establish the link , and for the operator to get out Delaney 's short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the drop zone .
19 A race held across land , on water and through the air came up with an unlikely winner , when a steamroller took on a hot air balloon and a narrow boat to see which was the fastest .
20 He gazed at her and after a second burst out laughing .
21 It took all the courage he had to thrust his head and shoulders into the mouth of that entrance , but he closed his eyes and twisted and turned and after a time tumbled out into a great stone chamber , lit with a soft light of its own that dimmed the glitter of his shining key .
22 The minaret added to the present mosque is of brick and of a design to fit in with the rest of the church .
23 They said that difficulty had been created because of the uncertainty of poll tax funding and of the regime laid down by the Government .
24 In addition , British membership of Nato and of the Commonwealth held out the possibility of access to a multiplicity of markets .
25 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
26 Teacher got into the box and with a struggle sat down .
27 Eliza was now very tall and thin , with a rather sour face , dressed in very plain clothes , and with a cross hanging round her neck .
28 The village of Claythorpe , once quite large and with a railway passing through , has disappeared from the face of some modern-day maps and the railway has long since been dismantled .
29 It must be for Parliament to decide whether it is satisfied that an Act should be passed in the form and with the wording set out in the Act .
30 All the while she talked , she gesticulated with one small , thin hand and with the other tore off bits of bread , dipping them in the honey butter and tilting them under her mask into her mouth .
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