Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 With great difficulty I obtained a copy of this document and while it stated that ‘ public servants should not reveal the opinions and attitudes of colleagues as to the government business with which they have been concerned ’ , another section said quite clearly that a reasonable timescale for a public servant 's silence would be ‘ fifteen years or for the service life of the adviser , whichever is the longer ’ .
2 Consider , for instance , the ability of the male praying mantis to continue copulating whilst the female steadily devours him from the head end downwards , or for the head end of a wasp to continue eating even when severed from the abdomen .
3 Mr Murray has no time for the fashionable preoccupations of academic critics or for the dead-end road of existentialism .
4 It was generally held on or about the feast day of the patron saint to whom the church was dedicated .
5 Also , the increase in the number of liquid or soft stools , an important item of CDAI , may be caused either because of worsening of the intestinal disease or as a side effect of enteral nutrition .
6 The frequency of fluent restorations is thus an indication of whether mispronunciations occurred before or after the recognition point of a word , and thus an indication of where in a word the recognition point actually occurred .
7 Is the development towards a new underclass of unemployables , or towards an enterprise culture of independent striving ?
8 Although that sense of political strategy may be true , it is not the whole explanation of the binary policy in general , or of the polytechnic part of it .
9 Whatever the past illusions of the imperialist and nationalist ventures of nations , or of the master error of Marxism-Leninism , they did evoke from people ‘ daring , courage , imagination and idealism ’ .
10 The CKR , therefore , was designed as a closed system that precluded negotiations of either the CKR or of the master bill of lading that contained the no disp clause .
11 When they retire from work , many people can make this choice freely , and a popular choice is along or near the south coast of England .
12 The resources presently known to exist on or beneath the land surface of the Pacific are stupendous in their extent and importance .
13 The first was that , from the inter-war years up to the year of the study , men of all class origins have become progressively more likely to move into professional , administrative and managerial positions — or into the service class of modern British society .
14 The bomb , which caused no casualties , had been planted in or under the luggage compartment of one of the buses .
15 You can work for large multi-national corporations ' in-house counsel or in the branch office of your firm abroad .
16 Mass reporting means that , if an improbable thing happens to anybody , anywhere in the world , we shall read about it in our newspapers or in the Guinness Book of Records .
17 connected between pre- and power amplifiers or in the tape loop of an integrated amplifier ( there is a duplicate tape loop on the unit to restore the lost facility ) it provides fixed equalization to extend the loudspeaker 's operating range below the normal cutoff point and additionally permits fine adjustment of the frequency response to give subtle control over the in-room performance .
18 Normally the husband is a living man who is both the original owner of the cattle and also the actual biological father ( genitor ) of the woman 's children , but in exceptional circumstances the bridecattle may derive from a deceased bridegroom or from a woman owner of cattle .
19 Lavoisier had coined a new set of terms for it , replacing those which enshrined earlier theoretical views , from alchemy or from the phlogiston theory of burning .
20 If not corrected , this would exclude a transfer of insurance business to or from the UK branch of an overseas life assurance company from the relevant intended relief .
21 All these leaflets are available free of charge from the Health Education Service of your local Health Authority , or from the Supplies Department of the Health Education Council .
22 Further information is available from your local Age Concern group or from the Marketing Department of Age Concern England .
23 Proceedings under the Settled Land Act 1925 , the Trustee Act 1925 or for the administration of the estate of a deceased person may be commenced in the court which the plaintiff regards as most convenient having regard to the residences or places of business of the parties or to the subject matter of the proceedings ( Ord 4 , r 4 ) , but payment into court under s 63 of the Trustee Act 1925 shall be made to the court in whose district the person ( or any of them ) making the payment resides ( Ord 49 , r 20(2) ) .
24 ( ii ) In his response to McCreery 's suggestion that " remainder of surrendered personnel and refugees " in 5 Corps area should be evacuated either to Italy or to the US Zone of Austria under SHAEF/12th Army Group , Robertson dealt only with surrendered personnel .
25 First , suppose the contractual entitlement of a mortgagee to costs charges and expenses does not correspond either to the standard basis of taxation set out in rule 12(1) or to the indemnity basis of taxation set out in rule 12(2) .
26 For traditional criticism it did not make an especial difference whether the date of composition of Milton 's Samson Agonistes was assigned to 1647–53 during the Civil War or to the Restoration period of 1660–70 .
27 Enquiries should be addressed to the appropriate department or to the Postgraduate Secretary of the Faculty concerned .
28 Wintering areas of this species are unknown , but some believe the birds winter in polynyas ( open areas in sea ice ) or on the ice edge of the Bering or Chukchi Seas .
29 There were several times when Joseph could stand outside the front of his inn , or on the for'ard deck of his ship , and have the time to contemplate his next manoeuvre , calm amid the storm as all the great commanders always were .
30 A chain hotel located in a city centre or at the exit roundabout of a motorway guarantees many identical rooms .
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