Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All these leaflets are available free of charge from the Health Education Service of your local Health Authority , or from the Supplies Department of the Health Education Council .
2 As a parish priest he also served as a diocesan representative on the first National Liturgy Commission and as a schools commissioner with the North Riding of Yorkshire in the diocesan office .
3 This decision on the FRED 1 proposal on revenue investment does not in any way affect the existing requirements of SSAP 13 , Accounting for Research and Development , and of the Companies Act regarding the disclosure of research and development activities .
4 Such a de-differentiation of signifier and referent has also been present in the claims of the followers of Althusser in the 1970s that ideological practices were material practices and of the followers Derrida in the 1980s about the ‘ materiality ’ of language .
5 Indeed , the history of public policy on arts , and of the Arts Council of Great Britain , offers real insight into the politics of English in education .
6 But our greatest find was the friendly Dolphin pub , serving excellent local seafood , and with a games room for children of all ages .
7 This contingency is covered under Buildings — Wider Cover policies and under the Contents sections of 4* Contents and 5* Maxplan policies .
8 The Inspector who reported on that Litchfield city local plan said , go away , leave your Litchfield city plan and look at the options beyond the greenbelt , including erm the possibility of a new village , and I think that 's that 's the point here , instead of rolling back the greenbelt you should be looking beyond , you know , what is the general extent of the greenbelt to see what options are available , just coming on then to the size point , again that Mr Grantham raised , I have through erm experience both in the Cambridge situation which I referred to extensively erm in my statement , and in East Staffordshire where we are promoting a plan , er a site for a new village which is included in the deposited plan , we 've looked in both the Cambridge and the er East Staffordshire situation , bo at service provision , both from speaking to the providers of those services and whether or not they need a specific facility in the settlement , and from the developers point of view , that if you 've got a pot of money what can you afford to erm provide within a settlement of that size , and the conclusions we are rai er sort of reaching are a du a settlement of the order of twelve fifty dwellings can support your primary school , community centre , erm a range of shops , and so on and so forth , so what I 'm saying in my submission that the an appropriate size is in the thousand fifteen hundred mark , is that were you can get a reasonable co balance of community facilities and provide the relevant infrastructure in terms of services .
9 These areas continue to constitute the best option for lower-paid workers , not just because of the relatively low cost of the housing but also because they provide access to a large pool of appropriate jobs both in the central area and in the suburbs thanks to the essentially radial pattern of public transport facilities .
10 Most of the research will be carried out in public and private archives in Troyes , and in the Archives Nationales in Paris .
11 Er and as would have been noted in the in our report to this general assembly on page four hundred and nine , we say at the end of er the paragraph in the middle of the the page in which we are referring to ACTS and its commissions , in this connection it should be noted that the church 's approach to the Roman Catholic bishops conference of Scotland on the question of intercommunion is under discussion in that conference and in the ACTS commission on unity faith and order .
12 Husameddin claims that one Shuja al-Din Ilyas Celebi , Hoca to the sultan , had become ( was ? ) a highly-regarded mufti in Edirne in 831/1427–8 , " historical proofs ' which Husameddin has chanced upon describing him as One finds also both in the biographical dictionaries and in the chronicles instances of the use of this early period .
13 And on the estates sort of people , there were different ty types of people but Street would ha ha had a name .
14 And on the banners scenes from the common story ; William of Orange , or a secret conventicle ; or the face of some favoured hero such as Lord Edward Carson .
15 Around the room were tables and chairs , some covered with quilted cushions , and on the walls shelves of jars which were neatly labelled .
16 We looked at the central role feelings play in our lives , and at the difficulties women with bulimia often have in expressing them .
17 But with a price-earnings ratio of 62 using next year 's official earnings forecast , the company 's shares are hardly cheap .
18 But in the drugs capital of Medilline , the daily killings continue , the drug cartels are reportedly planning a fresh offensive , before the new administration can tighten its grip on the country .
19 The duty of determining such questions is cast by law , not upon the courts after the event , but upon the police authorities at the time when the decision has to be taken ; and a court which attempted to review such a decision from the point of view of its wisdom or prudence would ( I think ) be exceeding its proper functions .
20 It 's odder still when the money comes not from the anonymous depths of the Eurocurrency market , but from the savings accounts of Americans living in Ohio .
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