Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Teachers showed a great deal of skill in dealing with the many interruptions of the classroom day , generally managing to neutralize them either by simply refusing to be distracted by them , or by transmuting them into a part of the teaching session .
2 One collects them by climbing the tree or by poking them with a long stick .
3 Even if an ineffective treatment does not in itself cause damage it may harm patients by raising false expectations or by deflecting them from a better treatment , so this criterion would leave virtually all unproved treatment open to investigation .
4 Something between 60 and 100 MPs are eager to clip Mrs Thatcher 's wings by staging a show of disaffection or by forcing her into a second round when the first round votes are cast , on December 5 under the most likely timetable .
5 Structuralists did not believe in examining the text in relation to society — although they did believe in examining the relationships within texts and between texts — nor in examining it as a work with moral significance ; the aim was simply to lay bare the universal structures which were hidden within it .
6 For the rest of us , coming to terms with our grey hair and living with it may be a practical way of encouraging us to come to terms with our chronological age and of easing ourselves into a new age group .
7 During the eight years I worked for Fred Workman he never lectured me on the practice or ethics of journalism , and in assigning me to a story he never told me what to do .
8 He devoted a lot of time to the personal relationships of politics and to conducting them in a mollifying , unhurried way .
9 ( viii ) Pupils should be taught to help the reader by leaving a space between words and by ending sentences with a full stop or question mark and by beginning them with a capital letter .
10 ‘ The first stage must be to strengthen and safeguard freedom of speech and expression by a Freedom of Information Act and by entrenching them in a Bill of Rights . ’
11 The purpose of the exhibition is to take the works out of their conventional contexts within the museum 's main galleries or store and by placing them in a new , thematic context to raise different issues and ideas .
12 Religion keeps people in an infantile state , but by drawing them into a mass delusion , it succeeds in sparing many people an individual neurosis .
13 Notes towards the Definition of Culture supplements Arnold 's definition not by abandoning it , but by setting it beside a wider , basically anthropological definition of culture .
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