Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The notion of a lead agency with overall responsibility for developing services or for buying in the necessary services from local statutory , private or voluntary agencies would make clear where responsibility should lie .
2 Kierkegaard thus rejects decisively and with withering scorn all attempts to present Christian faith in terms of Idealism or moral values , of historical influence and historical study , or of belonging to an established Christian church .
3 Members of Schedule I have been given a choice of remaining in that Schedule with an NRA of 60 , or of opting for the new , improved , Schedule II .
4 The student is given the opportunity either of broadening his areas of study so that he learns some of the principles and methods of several disciplines or of concentrating on the narrower range in order to become a specialist after suitable experience , training or further study .
5 Each DNA fragment was recovered from the corresponding single gene recombinant transfer vector and was either directly cloned into the pAcAB3 vector , or via subcloning into the multiple cloning vector pUC19 ( as described in Methods ) .
6 Between the 14th day of September 1987 and the 8th day of January 1988 conspired together and with other persons to defraud such persons who had or might have had an interest in dealing in shares in Blue Arrow , or National Westminster Bank , or in dealing on the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index , namely : 2.1 By dishonestly concealing holdings of 19.39 per cent of the share capital of Blue Arrow ; 2.2 By falsely stating that all remaining shares not taken up in the rights issue by existing shareholders had been sold in the market ; 2.3 By falsely representing that 33,315,528 shares in Blue Arrow held by County NatWest Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.4 By falsely representing that 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.5 By dealing off market with Union Bank of Switzerland in 28,201,743 shares in Blue Arrow when by reason of their connection with that company they were knowingly in possession of un-published price sensitive information ; 2.6 By creating a false instrument , namely a letter of indemnity dated 5 October 1987 from Nicholas Wells on behalf of County NatWest to Union Bank Of Switzerland ; 2.7 By engaging in a course of conduct which created a false or misleading impression as to the market in the shares of Blue Arrow for the purpose of creating such an impression and thereby influencing persons who might deal in those shares ; 2.8 By purchasing and retaining 2,150 Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index put option contracts to cover a risk of £51,500,000 whilst concealing from the market the true position in relation to the rights issue and the subsequent placing of shares in Blue Arrow , where Blue Arrow and National Westminster Bank were both component parts of that index .
7 The major loss was through transfer out as fifteen people were relocated or moved abroad on promotion or on changing to a new firm .
8 This amendment should ensure that there is a majority of elected members serving on the police authority , either by retaining the present two-thirds requirements , or by providing for a simple majority and they give two main reasons .
9 It may suit one of the parties at the time of the reference to exploit the uncertainty created by poor drafting , either by delaying matters by a construction summons ( see 8.17.7 ) or by insisting on a particular definition of the issue which is to that party 's advantage .
10 The tapes — genuine or imitation — can be obtained by mail or by strolling into the X-rated video stores of urban America .
11 The land speculator operates in two different ways , either using entrepreneurial initiative , negotiating time and ability but relatively little capital ; or by investing on a long-term basis with the ultimate possibility of substantial capital growth .
12 It concentrated on the curriculum and organization of Inner London secondary schools and focused on those pupils who were underachieving , took few or no public examinations and showed their dissatisfaction with school by absenting themselves or by behaving in an uncooperative manner ( ILEA 1984 ) .
13 This may be done by deeming a certain level of turnover during any such period or by reverting to the open market rent .
14 Other fabrics should be closely woven , firm and colourfast , and must be stiffened either with an aerosol spray applied to both sides of the fabric , or by dipping into a liquid stiffening solution .
15 These needs are met by obtaining a particular resource or by responding to a particular environmental or bodily stimulus .
16 Clearly , you can not inherit a taste for it by coming from a separatist family , nor by living in a separatist neighbourhood .
17 They expound their policy of minimal state interference to find the ‘ least detrimental available alternative ’ — one in which child placement and procedure for child placement ‘ maximises , in accord with the child 's sense of time , the child 's opportunity for being wanted and for maintaining on a continuous , unconditional and permanent basis , a relationship with at least one adult who is or will become the child 's psychological parent ’ ( Goldstein et al. , 1979 , p. 189 ) .
18 In 1981 , at the 150th anniversary meeting in York of the British Association for the Advancement of Science , the University of York conferred its degree of doctor on J. G. Crowther ‘ For creating the profession of scientific correspondent , for scholarly contributions to the history of science and to the social aspects of science , and for acting as a healthy irritant to the scientific establishment for 60 years . ’
19 On arrival , guests take off their outdoor shoes at the ryokan entrance and are supplied with slippers ; shoes are handled by the management ( ie , placed at the entrance for you to leave ) , and for walking within the ryokan garden , they supply sandals or traditional geta ( wooden clogs ) .
20 Firms are assumed to have unbounded capacity for working out strategies and payoffs , and for working through the abstract chains of reasoning which lead them to non-co-operative equilibrium strategies .
21 Promotion is awarded to the person who demonstrates they are the most suitable for the advertised vacancy and for working in the higher grade .
22 His care for disabled children spans work at the orthopaedic hospital in Oswestry , Alder Hey Hospital , Liverpool , and through Riding for the Disabled .
23 From Morvich , where we suspended our journey south on page 93 , the old road turns south to join the A.87 coming over the causeway on Loch Duich and after passing through a huge cutting arrives at Shiel Bridge , a pleasant wooded oasis sheltered by high mountains .
24 He was a member of the Medical Research Council 's Burns Unit at Glasgow Royal Infirmary ( 1942-44 ) , and after serving with the Royal Army Medical Corps in north Europe and India he was appointed consultant plastic surgeon to the West of Scotland Plastic and Oral Surgery Service .
25 It is not difficult to tell from casual chat at court who does what and after dealing with a few claims you soon get to know who is on the other side acting for the insurance companies .
26 The voyage took eight months , and after stopping for a short time in Malaysia , we arrived in the Gulf of Tongking .
27 Lawrence is far happier at wheeling and dealing on the transfer market than Jack Charlton and after managing on a mean budget with Charlton Athletic it must be a joy to him to have money to spend .
28 He started going to ‘ Aid Spain ’ meetings and after listening to a medical student who had returned from the country he decided to help in the most direct way .
29 The big challenge came from everybody 's favourite Ginny Leng … she was riding Welton Romance and after racing around the 28 fence course was just two penalty points down from the leader … less than once fault in the showjumping …
30 He had been a founding member of the Socialist Youth Movement , and after fighting in the civil war he had been held in detention in ( French ) camps in Algeria , before moving to the Soviet Union .
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