Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd been a religious and I would have thanked one god or another for the large number of kilocreds I was soon to collect , which would keep me from any kind of poverty for a long time .
2 In the agreement , the government pledges to provide such infrastructure " as necessary or appropriate for the efficient management of Stone 's business in Honduras " .
3 The neo-Renaissance palazzo designed in 1902 by McKim , Mead & White for the legendary financier , philanthropist and collector J. Pierpont Morgan ( 1837–1913 ) is one of the city 's most treasured landmarks .
4 During 1963–83 and 1984–90 the incidence of malignant disease , particularly lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas , in young people aged 0–24 in Seascale was higher than would be expected on the basis of either national rates or those for the surrounding areas .
5 In the higher liability classes the probability of an affected individual being heterozygous or homozygous for the major allele was about 0.10 .
6 The will contained a direction for the trustees , out of the net income of the proportionate share of the estate held in trust for any child , to make such provision from time to time as they in their uncontrolled discretion might think necessary or advisable for the suitable maintenance and education of such a child .
7 It is designed to operate as a ‘ check list ’ of all information which is considered to be desirable or necessary for the successful execution of the Request and its prompt return to the requesting authority .
8 However , it is not sufficient to constitute two pieces of land parts of one and the same curtilage that they should have been conveyed or demised together , for a single conveyance or lease can comprise more than one parcel of land , neither of which need be in any sense an appurtenance of the other or within the curtilage of the other ; nor is it sufficient that they have been occupied together ; nor is the test whether the enjoyment of one is advantageous or convenient or necessary for the full enjoyment of the other .
9 The 3.4-kb mRNA is expressed in skin of mice homozygous or hemizygous for the original p mutation , but at a very reduced level ( Fig. 2 a , lanes 11 and 12 ) , consistent with genetic data indicating that p is a low activity rather than a null mutation .
10 Looking to the future we hope to have news of a guest speaker or two for the early part of the summer and also the club intends to have some representation at the Hertfordshire Show .
11 Matters had not proceeded entirely without the odd hitch or two for the young couple — mainly because the bride was heavily pregnant with a child , one conceived during the long dry summer of 1807 .
12 Likewise , Charlie 's old school is not an entity that has the property of old-school-ness ; this is not a property of which English speakers would make frequent use , but it might be possible employ it in cases where something had the characteristic of " being a school in an old way " — perhaps with extensive use of wax tablet and stylus , and possibly a slave or two for the menial work .
13 Anyone who 's anyone was there , and most even played a set or two for the frothing crowd at a Paris party that rivalled those thrown by our old mate the Emperor Caligula for debauchery , excess and copious amounts of projectile-vomited , half-digested food and winestuffs .
14 An allowance must be made where a section is shaped or curved for the extra material needed , and pieces which finish with a taper should be cut out initially ‘ in the square ’ .
15 The status of every room can be displayed , enabling the reception office to tell at a glance whether a room is occupied , waiting to be cleaned or ready for the next guest .
16 Because of the way in which direct access devices operate , it is not normally necessary or desirable for the lowest-level index to point to every record .
17 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
18 You had to have meals-on-wheels because that was what there was , and particularly the meals-on-wheels study we did in Islington [ Barker & Noble , 1983 ] which clearly indicated that half the recipients desperately needed meals-on-wheels , but they needed a lot of other things as well , and that for the other half they were inappropriate anyway .
19 In December 1697 a civil list of £700,000 a year was established , which , for the first time , distinguished between money provided for defence purposes and that for the other expenses of government .
20 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
21 Some astronomers think that the more rapidly a body accretes the hotter it gets , and that for the outer Moon to have melted it is necessary for the Moon to have accreted in roughly 0.01 Ma .
22 This was at first the case in Britain , though the entrance examination for the foreign office was made considerably tougher in 1871 and that for the diplomatic service became more competitive from the 1880s onwards .
23 Perhaps Spinoza could have strengthened it in various ways , by saying that people can not on odd occasions deliberately act out of the character they try to give their lives , without destroying that character , and that for the rational person the character of a life which includes good relations with other people at large is essential for personal fulfilment .
24 I will not rehearse again my reasons for believing that the European Parliament is incapable of filling this democratic void and that for the foreseeable future the elected legislature should remain in national hands .
25 The accommodation schedule for the War Department was completed on 13th September and that for the Foreign Office on 20th September .
26 ( ii ) Explain the difference between the plot for the real gas and that for the ideal gas .
27 Cool and fresh it 's to be for the fish , more studied and solid for the main course ; for the dessert , fragile and delicate .
28 Furthermore , your Lordships may feel that it is inconvenient and undesirable for the criminal law as enunciated in Lawrence and Dobson to be in conflict with the law affecting the title to money and other kinds of property .
29 It would be impracticable and undesirable for the High Court of Justice to embark upon an inquiry concerning the effect or the effectiveness of the internal procedures in the High Court of Parliament or an inquiry whether in any particular case those procedures were effectively followed .
30 Looking back I am constantly amazed and grateful for the high risks that others took by giving me responsibility in my early years in ICI .
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