Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the UK and FRG an average of 9 per cent of company employees worked in R&D and this had been the traditional level in the industry for several years .
2 ‘ You will perceive by the accompanying prospectus that I have commenced another work of much greater magnitude [ than the Century ] ; for my own part I should have been more anxious to have gone on with unfigured foreign birds and by that means have added so much the more interest to the science of ornithology , but the greater number of the subscribers to my other work not paying attention to birds generally but limiting themselves to those of our own country , they have frequently reiterated their request that I should commence a similar work on the Birds of [ 'this country ’ crossed out ] Europe and this has been the only motive for my undertaking so laborious a task . ’
3 The Lemonheads have been touring for about three months , first in America and now in Europe , and this has been the first real glitch they 've encountered .
4 Carole Martin and their assistant have been killed in a car crash and this has been the final straw for owner Trevor Martin , to whom we offer our condolences .
5 Has the British embassy in Germany made it clear to the German authorities how deeply shocking and despicable have been the racist attacks by Nazi thugs there ?
6 The most striking change between 1975 and 1988 has been the dramatic fall in youth employment from 60% to 20% .
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