Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] be [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the cover Horowitz himself beams at us like a naughty gnome , and that is just the way his irrepressible musical personality comes over in the performances .
2 And that is just the kind of order , it seems to me , which ought to have been granted if the plaintiffs ' contentions are correct .
3 Of course Kirillov is anything but a normal human being ; and that is just the point .
4 And that is also the view of our planning consulta er of our highway consultant .
5 So it was believed that a pronunciation change in one word would be followed by changes in all similar words — that there are laws of language evolution — and that is generally the case .
6 He could walk out and just be so good and that is probably the thing that most impressed me about him .
7 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
8 A London spokesman for Mr Bond said yesterday : ‘ He has intended all along to meet his commitment to BSB , and that is still the situation . ’
9 It , it 's a domestic policy , hands off , it 's got nothing to do with international trade at all , it is purely a domestic policy and that is essentially the argument that is erm , prevented agriculture erm , from sort of slipping through the GATT net .
10 On the basis that a lot of the big houses that were doing holiday accommodation and so on , er have have already been converted and this is our experience , so on that basis we have taken a reduced figure for conversions and that is basically the reasoning behind it .
11 And that is perhaps the way they all want it .
12 Treaty , depending on the case , and that is certainly the position where a national of a member state goes to reside in the territory of another member state and establishes his principal residence there .
13 You have had an enthusiasm and a willingness and a loyalty and a dedication to Napier that is our hallmark and that is certainly the mainstay of our success .
14 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
15 When you do all the sums and move all the money from pocket to pocket it looks as if there is an increase of between 2 to 2.5 per cent and that is almost the difference between the previous inflation forecast of 3.5 per cent and the present inflation forecast of 5.75 per cent .
16 I do n't think I 'll bother to answer the remarks that others need to say of course tremendous resources have gone into the health service over the past few years , but I think whatever government is in power , it will never be enough for all the new developments in the health service , and that is always the trouble , whoever would be there would find it difficult .
17 And some of you some of you did that this morning although you may not have realised it er but you said well well like Rob said and er just just making people feel part of it by by using their names and that 's exactly the purpose of having these plaques in front and why I asked you to use erm to put your name on them is so that we can do that .
18 Chris Markham has a new club now , for children after school , So you see we 're pretty busy — and that 's generally the rule .
19 You know , because of cut-backs , and that 's probably the reason why , it 's a hell of a long delay is n't it , three or four months or so .
20 and it 'll come up that he 's and that 's probably the sort of person your going to get somebody who 's is a smell about rather than
21 And that 's just the competition Crosby wants to shoot the club away from lingering relegation danger .
22 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
23 ‘ Seventy thousand pounds , and that 's just the insurance value .
24 THE ULTIMATE example of the ultimate '60s genre — spaghetti westerns — and that 's just the half of it .
25 ‘ Yeah , ’ says Ian , ‘ and that 's just the Forest intelligentsia ! ’
26 Blackpool means thrills and spills , taking risks and dicing with danger and that 's just the conference floor .
27 The reason that this has been brought on , the reason that this er er agenda item brought to housing committee was basically er because it was there and er it 's I think it 's repulsive to bring forward to housing committee any er government regulations or we need to look at debating and er and that 's basically the reason .
28 And that 's really the story for this afternoon , with sunshine in short supply .
29 And that 's really the scene for this afternoon , with the best of any sunshine being over the Lothians and the south , and still the chance of a shower in the north west .
30 The sleeves and shoulders are very sloping — can you see it 's sort of , the line 's gone very drooping , I mean somebody said it gave the impression of melting butter , and , and that 's really the sort of figure that you 've got .
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