Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm looking up er the er line or that is looking from the bridge erm that 's going down towards er th the just it it it er cur curved round to meet the er the line er an and the s and the station was was here .
2 According to UNEP 's figures , desertification is taking as much land out of agricultural use as exploiters of one kind or another are clearing in the rainforests :
3 As a result , according to the 1985-based projections ( OPCS , 1988 ) , while population increase of 15 per cent or more are expected by the year 2001 in some counties ( e.g. Buckinghamshire , Wiltshire , Cornwall , Shropshire ) , Merseyside stands to lose over 9 per cent and Cleveland and Tyne and Wear both over 5 per cent of their 1985 numbers .
4 Nor for that matter could Wiltshire clothiers , for , although a dozen or more were rated for the Anticipation at upwards of £100 , the highest was only £250 : for some reason the great William Stumpe of Malmesbury was not assessed .
5 Right at the top of the colours I have here are is purple , I often wonder whether that is the reason why royalty is asso or purple is associated with the royalty , purple robes etcetera .
6 A child differs from its parent at only one of the nine genes ; moreover , all mutation occurs by +1 or -1 being added to the value of the corresponding parental gene .
7 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding was diagnosed only if haematemesis or melaenas , or both were confirmed by the hospital staff .
8 The wounded Tree Spirits that the Robemaker had hacked and mutilated were coming to the aid of the two Humans who would free the Wolfprince .
9 So let me just say a few things before he does arrive , and catch his breath and perhaps have a cup of tea , on , on a topic which we , it 's not fully listed but I think is worth just mentioning , and that is writing for the press , because it may occur to you and in fact you may yourself on occasions , write things for the press .
10 In almost all predator assemblages , therefore , the back of the skull at least is broken , and that is accepted as the norm .
11 I , I would like to see erm , I do n't know whether this is done , but erm , when the official photographs are taken , they 're done by erm , newspaper area , so that you get of the Lord Lieutenant , the Chief Officer , and the , the man from that area , and that is sent to the local paper , whether , ah
12 Could I also say that erm again going back to Strathclyde that there is a , a social , there is a subsidy for those services erm where there is a social need up to a certain point and that is governed by the finance available , but its not as though , this is just the commercial network , in fact , er I think its erm something in the order of ninety two per cent of services in Strathclyde are commercially operated and it is Strathclyde region that fills the gaps .
13 Okay , I think the suggestion is , is that , that we identify er , er , homes within the east of the county and that is done by the P A G , is there any dissent from that ?
14 A regulatory penalty can also be imposed where an ESL is late , and that is based on the number of days late .
15 Erm and that is based on the fact that Selby have , were better staffed .
16 Yeah the other thing on staffing tt which is a related , but in a sense I 'm trying to keep it as something of a separate issue , and that is to do with the amount of management time .
17 And that is reflected in the declining wealth fall of our 20 losers from their respective peaks .
18 And that is shown in the appendix to the position statement put in by Flaxton .
19 ‘ What will give companies the competitive edge is the quality of the way their people treat customers and that is linked to the way they are treated by managers .
20 Items four to twelve Chairman , are some further detail on the provision for demographic growth , which is shown on items four to seven , erm , and that is spread between the major client groups .
21 And that 's acknowledged by the Economic Development Officer .
22 If you want to point at another directory , you do C D change directory , and that 's pointing at the root directory there .
23 Committee has the choice to spend on capital and that 's exercised through the a mechanism if you spend in capital in the mortgage charge comes through as a , as a revenue charge to you , so you have now paid for mortgage charges and capital schemes or you can pay for er for revenue schemes and this budget reflects its priority on revenue spending .
24 Now when they 're born there wo n't be any problems at all and that 's to do with the way they feed before they 're born , how 's a baby fed before it 's born ?
25 And that 's going at the bottom we 're saying there right ?
26 There 's far more interesting activity taking place in Brighton than there is in any other single borough area of the whole of the South East region , and that 's reflected in the amount of money which we give to activities in the Brighton area .
27 I mean I think the er se , emphasis on society is still o , very much on the nuclear family and there is a a great lack of recognition of the extent to which families have changed and I think there 's still er , hoping that erm mothers and children are going to continue to be supported by the parent and that 's evidenced with the governments er , child support bill , that it 's erm introducing at the moment .
28 Erm , a lot of my job is going to around branches , erm , and it is charged at , that are on the new systems , and that 's negotiate with the new
29 Erm , and that 's shown in the chart in appendix two below the diagram .
30 If you go deeper through the water column you 'll come to a depth where all of the calcium carbonate has dissolved and that 's known as the carbonate compensation depth , or C C D the carbonate compensation depth .
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