Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This time delay can have safety and/or economic consequences hence the need to accelerate the experts ' diagnosis and decision processes .
2 Cicely Hamilton commented in the course of a debate with G. K. Chesterton at Queen 's Hall in 1919 : ‘ Do you suppose that forty or fifty years ago a woman would have dared to stand up on a platform and say , without the slightest shame , that she was over thirty and unmarried ?
3 Seven or eight months later a customer booked a holiday , relying on an old unamended copy of the brochure .
4 Two or three years ago a friend of mine who is a publisher applied to me for help in dealing with a complaint from a man who had bought one of his cookery books .
5 So if I was off for two or three years then the rate of inflation was high , then it would be ten per cent each those years
6 You do n't just put a two page report in and it 's resolved it 's probably a three month project that you need to go continuously once a week to a trial meeting or or three months once a week to a two hour meeting .
7 The shooting followed incidents over the last two or three weeks where the family 's other two cats have returned home and have been violently sick .
8 Robinson has a daughter who has to wait 12 months for an operation , it is no use telling her that 10 , 20 , or 25 years ago the situation was similar or much worse , because Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Robinson will still consider that the NHS is unsatisfactory today , and will naturally blame the Government .
9 This is of practical importance particularly in the case of closely held companies or wholly-owned subsidiaries where the conduct complained of may well have received unanimous shareholder assent , which would otherwise have the effect of regularising the transaction and hence preventing the liquidator from taking remedial action .
10 Since the book appeared in America , Rock has been surprised by the letters he 's received ‘ from people who live in the suburbs or small flats where the father is the king , where his armchair is the throne .
11 In a general index it may only be possible to distinguish between different meanings of the one homograph by using scope notes or qualifying terms wherever the term arises , and thus in some way replace the context that is normally absent in respect of index terms .
12 And the apostle Paul he gets open the scrolls and he starts in Genesis and he explains the plan of salvation , and he tells him what he 's got ta do , and he explains all the requirements , and about three or four hours later the man 's mind is completely blurred , he does n't understand a word of it , it 's gone way beyond him , course Paul does n't do that , he shoots back the answer straight away , believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved .
13 They have been successful … the crime rate in the city is down by five hundred offences a month … there are only one or two displays now a week … but they do still happen .
14 Each of the journeys has been chosen to visit one of more of the city 's parks or quiet areas where the visitor can pause and take stock .
15 In any case , the concern about Article 86 legislation could be met relatively easily by retaining monopoly references to the MMC , with the OFT proposing behavioural or structural remedies where a market situation was not in the public interest , but there was no evidence of abuse by the firms involved .
16 a hundred and fifty crackers just a letter addressed
17 They had gone about a hundred and fifty yards when a figure in blue combat gear loomed up and signalled them to stop .
18 As has often been the case , it is the artists who are the forerunners of fashion , and fifty years later the world and his wife craved for Windermere .
19 But there can be practical difficulties in implementing this , particularly in small and medium-sized companies where the number of treasury transactions does not warrant employing several staff .
20 This occurs because most tropical rainforest biogeochemical cycles involve a tight intra-system relationship between the living biomass and the litter which contains the major reservoirs of nutrients ; this is in contrast to the biogeochemical cycles of temperate and boreal forests wherein the soil plays a much more significant role in nutrient recycling ( see Mannion 1986e for a more complete discussion of these relationships ) .
21 Farmers , whether on a large or small scale , faced new demands on their managerial abilities and technical skills almost every day — decisions and actions they usually had to make and take on their own .
22 Similarly , the economic base is fragile and overdependent on specific local and possibly transient opportunities e.g. military bases , industrial and commercial initiatives e.g. the oil platform fabrication yard at Arnish , and some Highlands and Islands Development Board sponsored enterprises e.g. fish processing factories .
23 I imagined conning Wavebreaker into Dartmouth , and taking the power skiff upriver to one of my old and favourite pubs where the ale had real taste instead of the limp-wristed chill of North American beers .
24 Inner-city areas are also often short staffed as a result of difficulties in recruiting staff to work in areas of heavy demand and high workloads where the work is particularly stressful .
25 They are a development of the system of weirs and flash locks where a stretch of water was impounded to provide a good depth of water to flush or ‘ flash ’ a boat along its way .
26 We had taken 120 carp and 2 cats so the trip could hardly be deemed a ’ cat-astrophe ’ ( sorry but I could n't resist it ) when suddenly one of Rick 's rods was away .
27 Open full-bodied reds about two hours in advance and lighter ones about an hour beforehand .
28 Police were still clearing the hotel and nearby homes when the bomb , abandoned in a Volvo car , partly exploded at 1.20am .
29 A couple of hours and aching arms later the copper and brass was gleaming and sitting back to bask in satisfaction a voice soon broke the momentary pleasure .
30 Despite all this and more we decided that the asking price of £28,000 was about right and six months later the purchase was completed and we moved in .
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