Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Adding together the totals for each shelf display unit , wall fixture , gondola or free-standing unit will give the total shelf measurement for shop
2 Although a unilateral lesion of the left or right hemisphere may impair the accuracy or speed of unilateral movements of both the contralateral and ipsilateral arm ( Wyke , 1968 ; Heap and Wyke , 1972 ; Haaland and Delaney , 1981 ) left sided lesions appear to produce greater deficits ( Wyke , 1971a ; Kimura , 1977a ; Kolb and Milner , 1981a ) or bilateral impairment on tasks in which only a contralateral deficit is observed after a right sided lesion ( Wyke , 1967 ; 197 lb ) .
3 Any member or interested group can obtain the syllabus and further details from Pat Palmer , 39 Newstead Avenue , Orpington , Kent BR6 9RJ ( telephone 0689–225534 ) .
4 A patriotic feeling or the witnessing of a noble or generous action can evoke the same emotion .
5 Novell could of course come back again sometime down the road , since its strategic interest in operating systems is doubtless unchanged , or another company could find the acquisition appealing ( UX No 405 ) .
6 They now hope that Danish or British opposition will scuttle the Maastricht treaty , because they know that the economic austerity required by ‘ convergence ’ will be unpopular — and they , Italy 's least popular politicians , will never be returned to power .
7 The response conditioned to A might generalize more to B as a result of the first stage of training ; or this training might reduce the extent to which generalization occurs to C ; or both of these effects could be occurring .
8 Does that not illustrate that no amount of tacky red plastic roses or glossy image-making can disguise the fact that , far from progressing , Labour policy is regressing ?
9 As Goffmann points out , the end of conversational encounters carry an increased risk of creating offence — in the sense that careless or perfunctory termination may convey the misleading impression that one could n't wait for the session to end and that as far as one was concerned the whole episode was a waste of time .
10 Any Workfare or similar scheme will heighten the problem by providing a cheap labour pool which will discourage the creation of real jobs with acceptable conditions .
11 A storm or violent gale might disperse the combined fleets ; France has no port in the Channel ; in fact , innumerable mischances might ruin the enterprise .
12 10.5 Where the medical adviser considers that an employee is permanently unfit to carry out the duties of their post as a result of a violent incident at work , the Director of Social Work or nominated officer will discuss the matter with the employee concerned who may be accompanied by a trade union representative or some other person of the employee 's choice .
13 A player who had an open or bleeding wound must leave the playing enclosure until such time as the bleeding is controlled and the wound covered or dressed .
14 A choice of board arrangement is available — self-catering for the more independent , whilst those on half or full board can savour the delights of the extensive buffet which , for Drago and Geminis guests , is open throughout the day — so meal times can be totally flexible to suit your own daily plans .
15 Its input impedance when terminated in the impedance given by equation ( 9.66 ) is On using equation ( 9.1 ) again , this relation reduces to Thus the network of figure 9.11(b) terminated in the impedance given by equation ( 9.66 ) presents impedance at its input terminals , precisely the required termination for constant-k or m-derived T-sections. since the impedance given by equation ( 9.66 ) is very close to over 85% of the pass band when m = 0.6 , the half-section of figure 9.11(b) with m = 0.6 interposed between a fixed resistance and the output of a constant-k or m-derived T-section will provide the T-section with virtually correct termination over most of the pass band .
16 Yes , while I live , no rich or noble maid shall walk the world in credit to his grave . ’
17 Any parent who has had an insomniac or hyperactive child will know the situation in which interruption of sleep over a long period frays tempers and seeks some other scapegoat than the child ; husband and wife may end in screaming at each other across the bedroom .
18 d ) The Decision Maker : where decisions take the form of modified re-buys or new task purchasing , it is most likely that senior functional , divisional or general management will take the actual decision to purchase , and choose the supplier , specification and product .
19 These fees are modest , but a person shown to be appealing in a frivolous or vexatious manner may have the costs of the appeal hearing awarded against him .
20 It deconstructs the language of communication , representation , or expression ( when the individual or collective subject may have the illusion that he is imitating something or expressing himself ) and reconstructs another language , voluminous , having neither bottom nor surface …
21 A socialist society will greatly exaggerate these tendencies : ‘ The heads of a communist or collective republic would control the will of others more tyrannically than ever ’ ( Mosca , 1939 , p. 286 ) .
22 Smetana or soured cream can replace the cream- vinegar and Roger Vergé mixes in a fresh tomato coulis .
23 While being loaded upon carried by or unloaded from any of the Insured 's vehicles specified in the Schedule or any vehicle used to complete the journey in the event of the said vehicle breaking down en route .
24 Perhaps one day an Ayrshire school or other organisation will pursue the theme and bring the peoples of the old and new worlds closer to each other by reminding them of their common bonds .
25 Gaunt , on the other hand , lent his weight to the policy of negotiating a settlement with France , perhaps in the hope that a peace or lengthy truce would reduce the financial pressure which was politically damaging to the crown .
26 Observation of the parent-child feeding style and parental attitude should elucidate the particular nutritional problem that the child is showing .
27 To the future instructions of the deaf and dumb , he has afforded a convincing proof that gentleness will create The Background teachableness , and that firmness will supply the place of severity .
28 The bishops also argued that any so-called restricted form of divorce was impossible to maintain in practice and that divorce might solve the partners ' problems but only created them for the children .
29 Surely someone somewhere knows who killed Ann Heron and that person could ease the pain for her heartbroken family .
30 Some of their aims are that learning methods should be non-directive , interactive , and based on clinical cases and that teaching should foster the ability to evaluate critically published data on different treatments and new drugs .
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