Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There may also be good reason for deleting reference to the contemplation of proceedings under ss 146 or 147 of the Law of Property Act 1925 , as the costs recoverable under such a provision may not be easy for the tenant to assess and counter .
2 ‘ Perhaps she hopes people will see what they want to , ’ Benjamin replied , ‘ any change detected being dismissed as fanciful or due to the work of the embalmers . ’
3 One commonly held idea is that the healing response is a placebo effect , simply the power of suggestion , or due to the charisma of an individual healer .
4 Externalisation or blaming — admitting that there are problems but saying that the causes are due to pressures at work or unemployment or due to social , financial or other stresses or due to doctors or " pushers " or due to the inadequacy of the police , customs officials or the Government .
5 Even for open questions , there will perhaps be loss of information if the interviewer does not use a tape recorder or due to the crudeness of coding required or the need to pool categories during analysis .
6 The network of ditches was in many cases originally designed to take advantage of the winter flooding of the rivers and enabled these areas to be managed as water meadows , a particular form of management which produced good quality hay crops , but is no longer practised or possible with the improvement of drainage and flood prevention .
7 ( x ) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them .
8 ( x ) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Company 's objects or any of them .
9 There was nothing remotely sensible or well-balanced about the turmoil of emotions his touch was arousing , Luce thought distractedly .
10 In one particular case we find progressive assimilation of manner , when a word-initial follows a plosive or nasal at the end of a preceding word : it is very common to find that the C i becomes identical in manner to the C f but with dental place of articulation .
11 The dialectic of apparent antitheses has been suppressed in favour of a one-dimensional model of what design is ; depending on the format of precise models one of the antitheses has been subsumed or repressed under the aegis of the other .
12 The aim was to make use of all available resources whether labelled public or private for the benefit of the patient who wanted treatment .
13 An important canvas of the autumn or early winter of 1906 , Two Nudes , now in the Museum of Modern Art , New York , could equally well be seen as two studies of a single figure viewed from diametrically opposed positions , an indication that Picasso was not only attempting to produce images of almost unprecedented weight and girth , but that he was also becoming impatient or dissatisfied with the idea of viewing his subjects from a single , stationary point of view .
14 Orton 's fault , or that of the staging by the multi-talented Jeremy Sams ; some flaw in the characterisations , or simply the passage of time and our over-exposure to horrors ?
15 In many cases , it is important that such people are persuaded to a particular point of view which is to their benefit or that of the community as a whole .
16 In this way they assured that those among us who were anally lax or maladroit in the use of the hard , crunchy loo paper we used , would take care not to dirty their underpants .
17 We simply can not form a clear and distinct idea of the fact that something is conducive or inimical to the actualisation of our essences without this influencing our behaviour towards or away from it .
18 It seems to me that he was waylaid and killed round about a quarter or half of the hour past six .
19 They differ in whether they exist incorporated into the chromosomes or free in the cytoplasm of the cells they inhabit , and in how they pass from one cell to another .
20 These findings suggest that , at the time of the act , helping agencies were regarded as irrelevant to what the person wanted to achieve , or unhelpful on the basis of previous experience of them .
21 The different LFA zones in the Auvergne have been drawn up on a Commune by Commune basis , each Commune being allocated completely to one zone or another with the exception of 11 Communes which are partly within one or other of the zones .
22 From the moment the family moved to Frome in the early 17th century and gave up being subsistence farmers with a complementary craft skill or two under their belts , they had been involved in one way or another with the world of industry — be it as manufacturing craftsmen or as retailers .
23 Many acts of trespass , breaches of contract , violations of copyright , and so on , regrettable as some of them may be on other grounds , have no implications one way or another for the stability of the government and the law .
24 The three US service manuals are currently in process of being updated , and it will be interesting to see whether either they , or the new UK tri-service manual which is now in an advanced state of preparation , say anything more specific about possible limits of one kind or another to the use of nuclear weapons .
25 Now while there is no reason to doubt that the first kind of structure contributes in one way or another to the effect of the poem , it can be and has been argued ( Riffaterre 1966 : 206ff. ) that the second is in most cases irrelevant to the text 's poetic status , since it tends to fall well below the ordinary reader 's level of consciousness .
26 The term ‘ ecology ’ could be used as an umbrella to cover a wide range of research traditions that did not interact at the detailed level , but which could be seen to deal with one aspect or another of the relationship between living things and their environment .
27 These were the people whose paths had crossed Riddle 's , those whose lives would be affected one way or another by the difference between Riddle living and Riddle dead .
28 Although the CNAA acquired this new set of privileged partners , it also retained those institutions which shared to one extent or another in the provision of higher education .
29 Given that this was a risk-free hedge we can make a check on the process by comparing the outcomes from states 1 or 2 with the result of investing the initial capital at the risk-free rate of return : .
30 The 100 consecutive patients were all Tanner stage 1 or 2 at the time of diagnosis .
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