Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 But the incidence of cancer among paranoid schizophrenics in the same or similar institutions eating the same or similar American diet is higher than that of the normal population ( Simonton et al .
2 A synonym occurs when the application of the randomising formula to two or more keys gives the same address .
3 However , if the strings of letters formed words then they were able to accurately report a number of short words containing more than three or four letters given the same exposure .
4 This is therefore a ‘ symmetrical ’ series , of which there are various kinds — notably , mirror series ( as above ) , series made up of transpositions of three or four note-groups comprising the same interval successions , series made of retrogrades and inversions of a small note-cell , and symmetrical all-interval series which comprise all intervals within the octave .
5 No biopsy was performed in the other cases but the lung opacity on the chest x ray or computed tomogram had the same macroscopic aspect as in the cases of proved lung lymphoma and responded to chemotherapy as well as the gastric lesion .
6 Interestingly there is inevitably more coherence in the primary child 's day because one or two adults experience the same things — indeed they are the conductors of the total experience which is planned for a day in detail within the week and the year .
7 Every bill of lading in the hands of a consignee or endorsee for valuable consideration representing goods to have been shipped on board a vessel shall be conclusive evidence of such shipment as against the master or other person signing the same , notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped , unless such holder of the bill of lading shall have had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board : Provided , that the master or other person … may exonerate himself … by showing that it was caused without any default on his part , and wholly by the fraud of the shipper or the holder , or some person under whom the holder claims .
8 I hereby acknowledge that I have received from the sum of £ in payment for the fixtures , fittings and chattels now in or about the above premises listed in the Schedule below AND I confirm that I am absolutely entitled to the same free of any charge , hire-purchase agreement or other incumbrance affecting the same or any of them .
9 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
10 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
11 But the swashbuckling approach grew rarer ; and with the disappearance of the Carolingian and Ottonian houses a measure of excitement drained out of the game , for neither Capetian nor Salian brides enjoyed the same cachet as their predecessors .
12 And that illustration offers the same image of an invisible power , and with this we can begin to see the spirit of God at work in the world .
13 The procedure for investigation and possible sanctions follows the same pattern as outlined earlier for matters dealt with under Article 85 .
14 This control group had no abnormalities known to interfere with serum lipid concentrations , and each patients underwent the same fasting and colonic preparation as the cancer patients .
15 Whether the issue is education or health , pollution or overseas aid , one sees the same mishmash of self-righteous resentment , sentimentality and wishful thinking providing the same simple answers to every problem , without the slightest reference to the real world .
16 And Top Shot coupled the same horse with impressive four-length Lingfield winner Killick ( 7-4 ) to land a 26 point profit for his followers .
17 Of course , you can derive the above expression from circuit theory , so once more circuit theory and electromagnetic theory give the same answer .
18 Found assorted English , Irish , American , German and French walkers having the same problem so did n't feel so bad .
19 Be genuine , with visual and verbal behaviours telling the same story
20 The ZX Spectrum and Easy Programming attack the same problem area — what the hell do you do once you have unpacked your computer , tried to understand the manual , and realise it is written by people who seem to have forgotten that most of their readers will be neophytes ?
21 Analysis of the separate components of mobility , washing and dressing , feeding , and urinary and faecal incontinence gave the same results .
22 These and other sources of style were welded by the Belgians into a characteristic mode of their own and many of the cathedrals and larger churches have the same features repeated again and again .
23 This process is repeated , while the zero offset is adjusted , until the positive and negative readings have the same magnitude .
24 Eaves of houses are artificial cliffs for martins ; office blocks and ancient churches fill the same function for peregrine falcons in Salt Lake City in the United States , and in Prague .
25 He said he he had acted ‘ in an attempt to prevent future coma , disabled and elderly patients suffering the same fate as Tony Bland ’ .
26 The advice could vary greatly because medical opinion is deeply divided over this issue and many doctors have the same lack of understanding as the general public .
27 This means that whatever disc application is being run , the basic search and retrievable functionality remains the same .
28 In this case , it can also be seen that the new and initial solutions have the same singularity structure .
29 FAMILIES with a history of both breast and ovarian cancer have the same inherited gene defect , scientists announced yesterday .
30 The unfriendly comment of Edgar Wind in Art and Anarchy was : ‘ What has optimistically been called a ‘ museum without walls ' ’ is in fact a museum on paper — a paper-world of art in which the epic oratory of Malraux proclaims , with the voice of a crier in the market place , that all art is composed in a single key , that huge monuments and small coins have the same plastic eloquence if transferred to the scale of the printed page , that a gouache can equal a fresco . ’
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