Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Your intruder alarm ( or such parts of your intruder alarm as may be agreed in writing by us ) must be set before you your family or domestic employees retire for the night .
2 immediately before you your family or domestic employees retire for the night .
3 immediately before you your family or domestic employees retire for the night .
4 Walls in dark , warm colours , with rich fitted carpets or traditional rugs make for a quietly splendid effect .
5 Office parties or casual occasions call for an outfit that 's special but not over the top ; smart , but not dull .
6 Soviet interest was aroused by the Iranian view that ‘ there will have to be guarantees that neither the Americans nor American surrogates substitute for the departing Russians ’ , that the problem of Afghanistan should not be solved in the East/West context .
7 In some European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands , publication of this thesis is a pre-requisite before the degree is awarded , and specific journals exist for the publication of such theses .
8 I got involved with agencies who specialise in placing children who were difficult to place , be it handicapped , black or of the wrong age , and that led to my doing a lot of work taking photographs for a magazine published by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering and various publicity and public relations work for the Catholic Children 's Society .
9 And some journalists work for the paper read by the people who think this country should be run by another country ( The Morning Star ) .
10 I suggested they try again and this time ask for the man who had signed my receipt , and please — come back to me and tell me what they say .
11 Development costs are also charged to the profit and loss account in the year of expenditure , except when individual projects satisfy the following criteria : the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately identifiable ; the project is technically feasible and commercially viable ; current and future costs will be exceeded by future sales ; and adequate resources exist for the project to be completed .
12 This includes ensuring that a proper market and proper information exist for the products that the exchange trades ; and that transactions are properly recorded .
13 Timeworks for Windows 3.1 is priced £149+VAT and existing users qualify for a discounted price of £42 , which is also applicable to users of other DTP packages wishing to trade up .
14 The red wines of this region are practically built for winter ; its deep purple colour and woody aroma make for a warming wine .
15 Its wit , neoclassic charm and sparkling score make for a work that appeals to all , young or old … and a dreadful warning too !
16 Final selection of the project , approval of the project for inclusion in the capital budget , setting of project implementation controls and post-audit review account for the remaining stages of the project cycle are covered in detail in chapter 5 .
17 At intervals of a few years , party congresses were held at which major changes of policy would be announced and new directions set for the future .
18 Late 19th century setting , and two women vie for a man and a Scottish castle .
19 Sessions last 45 minutes , and four instructors cater for a maximum of 24 children in the following groups ; walking to two years , 2–3 years , 3–4 years , 4–5 years .
20 Taste is then seen principally as the cause of ‘ classism ’ , which can be defined as the kind of distaste the middle and upper classes feel for the vulgar in fun fairs , cheap commodities , artificial copies , or lack of style , and the contempt working people feel for the pretentious , cold and degenerate middle and upper classes .
21 Chainsaw guitars and dreamy vocals make for a volatile cocktail which when mixed leaves a sweet taste .
22 Chainsaw guitars and dreamy vocals make for a volatile cocktail which when mixed leaves a sweet taste .
23 another , is normally then referred back within the T B B and also with the year , the middle of the July committee every year we report on , schedule and minor improvement propose for the accounted year and the following year when members can see each individual scheme which is under preparation and is imminent in their lovely er their order of construction .
24 Teachers in this country are unaccustomed to operating in such a regulatory environment where the curriculum is concerned ; and local authorities have for the most part exerted little control over what is taught .
25 The guitar 's low profile , slight body and super-thin neck make for a very lightweight playing experience and I could n't detect any balance problems , either .
26 Some people do n't stop when she asks them for money , but most people think for a bit and then dig in their pockets and give her summat .
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