Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] on [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They can be massaged into the skin , or dropped on to a cloth or pillow to be inhaled .
2 He called out : ‘ I ca n't hold on any longer , ’ then fell straight on the ledge below , bounded out into the air , turning a somersault backwards , and pitching on to a grass projection some 30′ lower down …
3 Seconds later they were off again , and she shut her eyes tight , pressed her cheek against his back and clung on like a limpet .
4 A hole saw looks like a hacksaw blade curled into a circle and fits on to a twist drill ( typically 6mm ) and can be used with an electric drill .
5 The Parks tournament at Calderstones Park , which starts on July 19 and goes on for a week , will have the added bonus of the Dunlop tennis roadshow , with Castle and other leading coaches topping the bill .
6 So I told the machine what it was about , and moved on to a golfer and one of the Black and White minstrels . ’
7 In March 1992 , a questionnaire was sent out to all of the Society 's exchange partners in the hope that records could be updated and entered on to a database .
8 As the full , six-strong complement of the member 's Committee representatives were present , and obviously in support , he would quickly realise the arithmetic of it and press on to a vote .
9 Some of the borders are designed to be cut out and appliquéd on to a host fabric , while others are an integral part of a plain background material .
10 She limped into the air-conditioned hall of the hotel like an awkward seal plunging into a pool , and sank on to a leather sofa .
11 A SCHOOLBOY escaped severe injury last night when he plunged through a skylight and crashed on to a bed .
12 Between 30 and 50 people were killed or injured on Nov. 19 when a freight train was derailed outside Tehuacán , 200 km south-east of Mexico City , and crashed on to a roadway , crushing vehicles and houses .
13 Curve the body to one side and hold on to a part of your leg that you can reach easily , stretching the other arm straight up .
14 Hankin , who spent 18 months at Peterborough under John Wile before being released in 1985 , saw his young braves survive numerous corners and hold on to a point against a side who have seen off Liverpool and Newcastle at home this season .
15 After eating a full breakfast , he performed his awesome feat of batting before , in the evening , taking part in a doubles tennis match , visiting the theatre and going on to a supper party !
16 Miss Huntley claimed to have spent the Saturday by herself in and around her flat , doing a bit of shopping and cleaning before meeting a few friends — only one of whom appeared to have an address — and going on to a party around ten o'clock at night .
17 The foundry 's most famous loco was the Derwent of 1845 , which worked on the S&DR until the 1860s and soldiered on at a colliery until 1891 .
18 Cornelius lowered his suitcase , took off his rucksack and climbed on to a stool before the counter .
19 So just turning away and getting on with a job is the most effective response .
20 Gooch 's men must accept their lot and get on with a job for which they are being paid around £20,000 a man .
21 But Mr Enfield only nodded his head very seriously and walked on without a word .
22 In the story , Frank had to be seen shooting through the roof of the church moments later and holding on to a cross , before being rescued by a helicopter .
23 Her thoughts were definitely not with her companions , and after a while they dropped her back at her flat and went on to a club together .
24 However , if I actually wanted to come along and learn some English — I did ‘ O ’ level English , I enjoyed it immensely , but then I did science in the sixth for and went on to a science career — can I come and study English at your school ?
25 11 Dip the tin into hot water for a few seconds and turn on to a serving plate .
26 Notes written on a transparency and projected on to a screen by an overhead projector .
27 Therefore , if a tile , because it is defective , breaks and falls on to a passer-by , the manufacturer of the tile will be liable under the Act .
28 Um and also it may be possible to y'know you may want to start out by showing people some stuff and trying to get them to talk about it so you you understand the sort of language concepts , repertoires , or whatever you want to call them , that people are actually using to try try and work out some more formal questions from that and move on to a questionnaire type thing y'know I mean that 's a possibility .
29 She became involved with scraping butter and marmalade on to a piece of toast .
30 Charles had been wounded in the fighting but had recovered and signed on as a regular at the end of the war .
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