Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] on [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Again , a graphical function is generated and inserted on to an appropriately scaled graph .
2 It does not matter whether the golden spike is hammered in somewhere in England or in France or in China , so long as we can make an arbitrary decision , stop arguing about words and get on with the much more difficult ( but much more rewarding ) task of correlation .
3 Transfer the boat to the cake drum and secure on with a little royal icing .
4 You 're not allowed to work on it and er that 's about it really , our programme , we 've decided to er start the pipe at the first position away from the tank construction and we 've , we 've set out , we employed a concrete layer and to lay out the pipes while we 're doing nothing and continue on with the so that while this gang is actually laying there 's only er six people in total .
5 A light , shone on to the mirror and reflected on to a fairly distant surface , would provide an initial doubling in amplification of the movement of the mirror , and the farther the light was projected , the greater the subsequent amplification of any change in potential difference .
6 On one side is the shattering power of time : This feeling of inevitability becomes so strong that it makes the poem comment on itself in surprised awareness — ‘ Oh fearful meditation ! ’ — and pushes on to an apparently unanswerable climax : ‘ Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back ? / Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid ? ’
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