Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] your [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or scratch your crutch with the salad fork .
2 I said you and I were man and wife , and to lose me would break or damage your bond with the King .
3 Two slotted benches occupied most of the space and they were high up so that you had to sit with neck bent or smash your head against the ceiling .
4 One significant advantage is that should you upgrade or change your machine in the future you only need a new interface to use the tablet with a new computer — plus the appropriate software , of course .
5 By day it 's very much a ‘ let's get a sunlounger and lie on the sand ’ sort of resort and the sandy beach is well equipped with everything you 'll need in the way of bars , restaurants and shade , and there are several places to waterski , windsurf and parascend or try your hand on the wet bikes .
6 Check at your local college or library for details of suitable opportunities in your area or share your hobby in the friendly atmosphere of a knitting club .
7 Can you imitate an academic ? — like not washing or changing your shirt for the next few days … ? ’
8 or guessing your distance by the sparkle
9 It 's best to go with an organised group if you want to cycle or paddle your way through the area .
10 This was originally used as a sales technique — you shook hands or put your arm around a relation or friend — the idea was to develop this — the salesperson put his/her arm around the buyer and thereby instilled a sense of security into the individual .
11 I tell you this sister only that you may be warned and not endanger your dear son 's health or put your husband to an unnecessary and useless journey .
12 The serial strategy involved thinking of or placing your finger on an imaginary scale and moving backwards and forwards along that scale as adjectives were successively read out until a final impression was reached ; ‘ after the first adjective I rated the person in my head , then moved backwards or forwards along the scale after each attribute ’ or ‘ 1 .
13 If your hospitalization is sudden , say , you are struck down with appendicitis at work , ask your work colleagues to telephone the neighbour who keeps your spare key and ask him or her to check that your home is all right , look after your pet or take your pet to a local kennels or vet to be looked after , water your plants , and generally keep an eye on things .
14 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
15 Write about a journey to an unfamiliar place , a place that , when you visited it , fractured , ruptured or enlarged your understanding of the world .
16 This may only serve to aggravate matters further and undermine your role as a neutral .
17 Jump the gap and make your way down the steps and platforms to another ladder , pick up another crate to your left and climb down the ladder , kill the workman and run right ( out of the building ) , get on the lift and jump into the little room ( this contains a couple of records ) , get the crate and climb up the ladder to kill the last workman , get on the lift to your left and go to the top , jump onto the platform , and the next , and the next , until you reach the furthest one where there 's an extra life .
18 Following procedures , carefully noting progress , and pursuing your complaint in a reasonable manner will assist your case considerably .
19 On the face of it , this is a month when you should be concentrating on your future and accepting your share of the limelight .
20 Imagine that you are expanding , and seeing your life from a higher perspective .
21 You will fall on yourself and bang your head on the radiator when you step backwards .
22 I 'd like to take you by the throat and bang your head against the wall . ’
23 And raise your profile at the same time .
24 You just walked back to your position trying to look unconcerned and got your clap from the crowd : I could feel this smile on my face , feel it spreading out to a grin .
25 The aim is to leap around in an inflated suit and push your opponent off the mat .
26 You should regularly filter and funnel your information into a single set of notes .
27 Just tell us what ichthyosis is , and send your answer on a postcard to the address on page 2 by 30 June .
28 To enter simply circle the following words in the square opposite and send your entry to the address below .
29 If you wish to oppose the granting of such decree you should put your reasons in writing and send your letter to the address shown below .
30 So get phoning and voice your vote for the Scouseology superstars .
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