Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] its [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
2 But it does make clear a belief that the divine being reveals or manifests its nature in the world .
3 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
4 notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in ( i ) and ( ii ) of this paragraph the Directors may amend the Executive Scheme to secure or maintain its approval by the Inland Revenue or to comply with or take advantage of any changes to legislation provided that such amendments do not affect the basic structure of the Executive Scheme or the limits outlined in paragraph 5 above ;
5 Most are irrevocable which means the issuing bank is unable to amend or cancel its terms without the consent of all the parties , including the exporter .
6 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
7 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
8 China refused to sign an ‘ unofficial ’ treaty , or to change its guidelines on the treatment Taiwanese investors should receive — which is more favourable than that offered many foreign investors .
9 After 1999 , Aegon will be able to inject any amount of new capital and should this be approved by the voting trust — which must be likely should it wish to generate more profits through business growth for the with-profits policyholders — then the with-profits fund must match Aegon 's injections ( which must be considered unlikely given the huge resources Aegon has access to ) or see its stake in the company diluted .
10 As the Cloud-author might say , contemplative understanding comes from nowhere and is experienced as a gift : We must not be surprised if a man does not attain the heights of contemplation or experience its sweetness at the beginning of his Christian life .
11 The acquisition will allow Quatro to widen its product portfolio and develop its strengths in the clinical sector .
12 THE SCOTTISH Milk Marketing Board has bowed to pressure and withdrawn its bid for the Co-op 's Scottish milk business .
13 But the wavelength multiplied by the frequency is always equal to the velocity of light , so this decrease in wavelength has the result at the same time of increasing the frequency v. Inevitably we thereby increase the energy carried by a single photon and make its interaction with the electron correspondingly more rumbustious ( with the effect of increasing the degree of uncontrollable disturbance to its momentum ) .
14 Big Bill A Labour peer has put forward 400 amendments to the Maastrich Treaty Bill to try and slow its progress through the Lords Star better : Coronation Street star Lynne Perrie , 62 , who plays Ivy Brennan , is improving in a Salford hospital after collapsing four days ago .
15 IBM Corp significantly stepped up its efforts in the merchant semiconductor market late Monday when it announced that it is now sampling the PowerPC 601 RISC microprocessor , with production volumes shipping in the third quarter , and announced its entry into the application specific market with CMOS and BiCMOS process technologies and access to industry-standard ASIC design tools and new applications support services , aiming to deliver ASICs based on gate-array and standard-cell technologies for computer and other systems manufacturers .
16 IBM Corp significantly stepped up its efforts in the merchant semiconductor market late Monday when it announced that it is now sampling the PowerPC 601 RISC microprocessor , with production volumes shipping in the third quarter , and announced its entry into the application specific market with CMOS and BiCMOS process technologies and access to industry-standard ASIC design tools and new applications support services , aiming to deliver ASICs based on gate-array and standard-cell technologies for computer and other systems manufacturers .
17 And raise its head across the world ,
18 ‘ A Clinton presidency will be extremely beneficial for the university , and raise its profile in the States , ’ he said .
19 Thatcher 's friends , such as former United Biscuits boss Sir Hector Laing , used to implore her to give British industry the kind of support that was rather more consistent than those who bought and sold its shares in the City .
20 So St Wilfrid the bishop and his clergy on bended knees lifted their hands again to heaven and gained the help of the Lord … who straightway bade the tide return before its usual hour , and while the pagans , on the coming of their king were preparing for a fourth battle , the sea came back and covered all the shore , so that the ship was floated and made its way into the deep .
21 By 1894 Glasgow Town Council , the same august body that had fought at Flodden and given its trousers to the Bonnie Prince , changed its name and became ‘ The Corporation of Glasgow ’ .
22 Player ( ) has a one period life and receives its payoff at the end of its period of existence .
23 He has shot a large moth and pinned its body to the ceiling .
24 The Hungarians reacted by calling for an emergency meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ( CSCE ) and submitting its case to the International Court of Justice .
25 Though the fundamentals of cash planning remained , the Treasury had to adapt and refine its strategy through the 1980s in response to the pressure it was under to remain ahead of the game ( Thain and Wright , 1990 ) .
26 At Hinde House this team of teachers was selected by the staff and centred its attention on the transition from middle schools to the secondary sector and the curriculum which should be provided in the Y8 group .
27 She sighed , then twisted on her stool to gaze in astonishment because a car was thumping and crashing its way along the dirt road that led from the island 's one village to Bonefish 's sprawl of shacks .
28 Envy is one of the strongest antidotes to love and has its roots in the innate and primitive anger and anxiety of infancy .
29 And then , for ten , twenty , forty hours or so the millions sit back to watch the show as the huge tropical storm lashes and bursts and howls its way around the islands , shaking , shuddering and drenching the place as if it held all the concentrated fury of nature and had decided to unleash it upon this one unfortunate spot .
30 It is ‘ only ’ 26 times as luminous as the Sun , and owes its pre-eminence to the fact that it is a mere 8½ light-years away from us .
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