Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] them [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When banks withdraw funds , the Bank of England relieves the resulting discount market shortage at that rate of interest which it thinks appropriate , nudging rates upwards perhaps to reduce the demand for bank lending or lowering them to counteract a rising exchange rate .
2 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
3 Until the Annan Committee knocked BBC and ITV heads together and made them run a joint system of audience measurement , ITV relied mainly on counting the number of sets switched on and the BBC used sample surveys and audience ‘ diaries ’ .
4 PC-ometer We take the three ratings — CPU , DISK and VIDEO and combine them to get an overall performance mark .
5 Within the development zone new incentives need to be devised both to attract high calibre general practitioners and other primary health care workers to the inner city and to encourage them to provide the right kind of services .
6 Finally Miss Thorne refused to wait any longer and told them to take a short break while she left the hall to make a phone call to Hillbrook Farm .
7 To examine the effects of differentiation on ATF1 protein levels we prepared nuclear extracts from UF9 and differentiated F9 ( DF9 ) cells and compared them using the blotting assay .
8 When Hazlitt and Coleridge visited Alfoxden the following day , Wordsworth was away from home ; but Dorothy provided them with a ‘ frugal repast ’ and let them see the now-abundant manuscripts intended for the Lyrical Ballads .
9 We would issue slides to PS staff and let them run the charging system themselves .
10 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
11 The companies had sought to merge their fleets on the currently lucrative Dover , Folkestone and Ramsgate routes to France which would have fixed prices at one level and allowed them to operate a single timetable .
12 Kay Evans presented their certificates to all the new teachers who were present , congratulated them all and encouraged them to take an active part in the training days .
13 Her crew were idle so she armed them with brushes and mops and set them to scrub the magnificent monument clean .
14 The brain receives information about red , blue and green light from the cones and mixes them to produce a multi-coloured image containing a vast range of hues .
15 But sometimes , on the darkest nights , when the waves pounded the shingle like bursts of distant gunfire , both the science and the symbol would seem to him as transitory as those drowned lives and he would find himself wondering if this great hulk would one day yield to the sea , like the wave-smashed concrete from the last war defences , and like them become a broken symbol of man 's long history on this desolate coast .
16 The cash will help companies and inventors developing new products which need patent protection and allow them to exploit the technical information available .
17 ‘ It 's no use playing two wingers like Morrissey and Nevin and asking them to do the defensive bit for you .
18 It proposes packing foundation boards with regional cultural and professional bigwigs , in fixed proportions to local politicians , and letting them choose the savings-bank bosses .
19 Following the reasoning of Longuet-Higgins and Tyler , we suggest that vertical disparities are best understood as a consequence of perspective viewing from two different vantage points and the results we report here show that the human visual system is able to exploit vertical disparities and use them to scale the perceived depth and size of stereoscopic surfaces , if the field of view is sufficiently large .
20 Take one or more of the elements of humour you discovered in yourself and use them to write a funny story .
21 Its stated aim is to develop a greater degree of responsibility for pregnancies among both men and women and to allow them to make an informed choice .
22 or a hospital and ask them to give a good check , what they told us , they dare n't seemed to want to bother with people now
23 ( If you do n't have either of these , find someone who has and ask them to record a few straightforward patterns or beats at around 80–100 beats per minute on a cassette — it will work just as well . )
24 Telephone your branch and ask them to make an immediate transfer between accounts .
25 However , there is a distinction between their own conclusions , and inviting them to draw a particular conclusion by inflaming their suspicions .
26 The pattern of these Hours entered deeply in various ways into the structure of deliberately composed meditations on the Passion and enabled them to imply a greater meaning than they explicitly formulate .
27 Seven of the patients in the well grown group were sexually mature ( Tanner stage 5 ) , and excluding them had no significant effect on the median serum IGF-I concentration ( reduced from 0.67 to 0.66 U/ml ) .
28 Finally , Fig. 1.11D shows a bone exposed to acid ground water ( pH 3.5 ) in a sphagnum bog on Dartmoor : acid etching has penetrated the bone along open pores and enlarged them to give a sieve-like appearance .
29 Because of that , I have merely pointed out incontrovertible facts , and left them to draw the inevitable conclusions . ’
30 Using an extensive collection of pure perfume essences , his unrivalled skills and unerring taste he will advise Harrods customers on fragrance and help them to realise a unique perfume of their own .
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