Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Oh , they were my daily joy , Dirty Dick , Harry , Bert , Prickwillow , working on the green baize under the bench lights , the elastic band round the grey heads holding the jeweller 's eyeglass or checking their tolerances with the white-coated draughtsmen , or rouging the last tenth of a thou from a newly-turned and bored brass centimetric attenuator .
2 Others went off for extended periods as migrant ( dekasegi ) workers or severed their ties with the land altogether .
3 Deutsche Bank Research says it does not expect northern EC members to revalue or devalue their currencies before the introduction of the single European currency .
4 In an undisturbed home , all domestic cats see themselves as subordinates of their human owners , so under normal circumstances all domestic cats use litter trays or bury their faeces in the garden .
5 Many of the diplomas and certificates offered by the University are intended to prepare students for a particular career path , or to enhance their prospects in the career they have already chosen by extending their knowledge and developing their skills .
6 They spent so much time in Zap Zone at Streatham , scampering about in clouds of dry ice , zapping each other with laser guns , so many hours watching Neighbours or running up and down shopping-malls , playing Super Nintendo , they had probably not had time to go anywhere near a mosque or get their heads round the basics of Islamic education .
7 Ashley waited until their fellow diners had drifted away to explore the gardens or dip their hands in the cool water which tinkled in the stone fountains , and then moved her chair closer to her escort 's .
8 The regarders , like the verderers , were frequently amerced at Forest Eyres for failure to carry out their duties to the satisfaction of the judges — for failing to appear with the other regarders to make the regard , or to take the regarders ' oath , or to present their rolls of the regard on the first day of the Forest Eyre , or for losing their rolls , or for incompleteness in their returns .
9 Rather than ramming the trainers with the guns , the dolphins either " swam away or put their snouts on the trainers ' shoulders — very affectionately ! "
10 Those who have been daydreaming or carving their initials into the desktops sit up .
11 The hens moved carefully about , picking their way on their spindly yellow legs , muttering comfortably to each other and darting their heads to the ground every so often in pursuit of something delicious .
12 They cantered down into the village and led their horses into the graveyard .
13 They suggest that in many circumstances , and particularly more recently , the central problems facing management are not so much to do with control over labour but are much more to do with such matters as obtaining orders for products , getting the design right , innovating , and handling their relations with the capital market .
14 It existed to ‘ speak for artists and art organisations , to offer them advice , to argue for them and to champion their interests in the media and to government whenever and wherever the need may arise ’ .
15 Here , they are taken by the ocean currents into the Gulf Stream , in which three years pass as they slowly drift towards Europe and make their homes in the rivers , lakes and pools , far distant from their place of birth .
16 They tug at their hair , pulling it out at the roots , roll around the floor and bang their heads against the wall .
17 Rival manufacturers book suites in London hotels and galleries , and display their wares to the trade .
18 The aim will then be to encourage the family to try and modify their interactions within the therapy session , before practising this at home .
19 For a few months , the Labour Party 's bruised and battered members can stir , intrigue and factionalise — and raise their spirits in the process .
20 The villagers ate dates from the wadi 's palms , fed their sheep and goats on its shrubs , and made their homes from the mud and vegetation .
21 Two more of the creatures hovered around the craft , walking over the wings and flashing their teeth at the hysterical passengers .
22 Top managers try to win their loyalty , and co-opt their organizations to the firm 's ideals … ideologically .
23 Suddenly they all surged towards me and flung their coins into the canvas sheet I was guarding and one old codger decided to go home .
24 Constantine , late in his reign , demolished some temples and confiscated their estates throughout the empire , in-corporating them into the res privata , but keeping their accounts in a special category as fundi iuris templorum .
25 The physiotherapist , dietitian or hospital chaplain should explain and discuss their contributions to the total care of the patient .
26 The growing independence of their children , at each successive stage , can be a matter of concern rather than joy for those who over-commit and over-identify their lives with the nurturing of dependent children .
27 But he also made use of tunes from bourgeois sources — and transformed their meanings in the process .
28 FSLN leaders had been given farms and houses because , the Sandinistas argued , they had sacrificed good salaries for a decade and dedicated their lives to the defence of the country against the US-backed contra rebels .
29 Their animals , richly caparisoned for the tourists , were munching at green piles of clover and swatting their tails against the early flies .
30 In the early 1980s , the Metropolitan police installed Divisional Information Officers to monitor the rise and fall of ‘ tension indicators ’ ( e.g. violence or abuse towards police officers , increasing numbers of complaints against the police and a decline in public co-operation ) in specially targeted local communities and report their findings to the Central Information Unit within the Metropolitan Public Order Branch ( Lloyd , 1989:273–4 ) .
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