Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] up to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We could see Jane Russell again at the Empire , or walk up to the Arcadian to see Sanders of the River .
2 All prisoners serving a year or more will be put on licence when released and supervised up to the three-quarter point of their sentence and , for some sex offenders until the end of their sentence ;
3 Other scullions were running in with ladders and lengths of rope , climbing up on to the big stove and scrambling up to the messy lip of the vat in which , judging by the amount of splashing and screaming , the small attendant still survived .
4 We 'll visit the Jewish quarter , count statues of Saints on the famous Charles Bridge and walk up to the Presidential Palace area , stopping to see the wax figurine of the infant Jesus and to rest in the lovely gardens .
5 Each table was fitted with transfusion stands and connected up to the piped oxygen laid on throughout Casualty .
6 All of the administrative systems developed on behalf of the modular course have been designed and tested in-house , beginning with a simple program for pre-enrolment information and student progress on a microcomputer in 1972 and leading up to the large and sophisticated management system described in Chapter 7 .
7 This unthreatening introduction into discussing a marital difficulty and an explanation that a combination of therapy approaches , that is managing the child and facing up to the marital disagreements , is likely to be most effective and help the parents understand the link .
8 And facing up to the Italian job , Aberdeen reflect on what might have been .
9 After her act another blonde in black , thigh length leather boots , studded belt , bra and pants strutted onto the stage , removed her top and stepped up to the front row , where the Koreans stuffed dollar notes down the front of her knickers .
10 At Gédre , you can turn off the Gavarnie road to the east and drive up to the alternative Cirque de Troumouse .
11 We did n't so much run as squelch , slosh and slither up to the marching camp with the electric storm raging about us .
12 ( The asses probably owe something to Koenig 's native Bavaria , where uxorious cows are garlanded and brought up to the Alpine pastures each summer . )
13 Patrick nodded and went up to the front door .
14 With these words , Maisie snapped her mask up to her face and went up to the front door .
15 The first contains a few records , so collect them and slide down the ice into the water , this is extremely easy so just use the map to reach the room containing the concert poster , records and a ‘ ? ’ ( worth 50 points ) , grab 'em all and move up to the extra life , then to the ladder and get the heart if you need it , walk right , go up the ladder and down the other side , pick up the crate and jump into the water .
16 You can also circle your hips , swooping down to your heels as you go round and come up to the other side !
17 They located her shoulder blades , her spine , the small of her back , and then slid between our compressing bodies and travelled up to the tiny soft immensities of her bosom .
18 I 'll just go and pop up to the other estate agent cos if dad comes in now he 'll have his dinner wo n't he ?
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