Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it all [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While it is unremarkable to observe that although some people eat three meals a day , and others miss out breakfast and lunch altogether , taking all their food in the evenings , there is no such parallel during sleep — no normal person has been found who , for instance , takes all his or her REM sleep in one session of ninety minutes at the beginning of the night , or saves it all up for a session in the early hours of the morning .
2 I particularly found the Aldershot method important because what it gives you is a clear structure to what you have to say when you stand up if you 're going to introduce by saying what you 're going to say before you expand and then at the end summarise and bring it all back to a nice conclusion .
3 We went out into New York City and staggered here and there through the Village and drooled it all out in bar after bar .
4 So I brought it to Gary Brawer , the San Francisco luthier who does a lot of my setup work and he filled it up — took out the springs and the bar and filled it all up with ash and we put in a regular DiMarzio stop tailpiece , with through-the-body strings .
5 ‘ Nobody 's gone and messed it all up on you ? ’
6 Shall I go and regurgitate it all up as Will would say , let's go and regurgitate it all up .
7 In a Post Office you have to , you see , unless I 'm misunderstanding it really , you have to well I might as well , if I go and get it all out from the bank .
8 She only saves a matter of fifteen P and gets it all back on the petrol
9 Do n't you agree that you never know what you are going to find there but on the other hand if you ignore the expiry date and crunch it all up with a lot of jam , or even a lot of Nivea , it all goes down the red lane and things start to brighten up ?
10 I mean things like unpacking the boxes and taking it all out of the erm cracker er paper or all that , you know just takes time .
11 Baldwin confirmed it twenty years later , when he wrote to Tom Jones front the depths of his retirement : ‘ I spent a lot of my holiday in 1923 walking in the hills around Aix and thought it all out by myself .
12 It was n't until later , when Robyn heard Anne 's key in the lock , that she realised just how long she had been staring into space , miserably going over and over the disastrous weekend , in a futile attempt to try and put it all back into some sort of perspective .
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