Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] its [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
2 The acquisition will allow Quatro to widen its product portfolio and develop its strengths in the clinical sector .
3 Thatcher 's friends , such as former United Biscuits boss Sir Hector Laing , used to implore her to give British industry the kind of support that was rather more consistent than those who bought and sold its shares in the City .
4 Envy is one of the strongest antidotes to love and has its roots in the innate and primitive anger and anxiety of infancy .
5 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
6 But the word was out now , and joined its colleagues in the general sussuration .
7 The blowhole itself is the hinged flap of a watertight valve , and through it the dolphin can empty and refill its lungs in the unbelievably short time of one-fifth of a second .
8 As it made the historic journey from being a charity team for Irish immigrants in Glasgow 's East End in 1888 to being a European Cup winning team in 1967 , there is a widely held myth that the club resents spending money and keeps its funds in the infamous biscuit tin , a closely guarded money chest under the Parkhead bed .
9 It is , indeed , quite a common occurrence for a government to have second thoughts about a Bill during or after its progress through the Commons and to use its supporters in the House of Lords to make the changes in a Bill then seen to be desirable .
10 The point is not simply to abandon this type of teaching but to acknowledge and analyse its limitations in the light of a more complex understanding of the nature of racism and to develop forms of educational engagement more likely to open up racist subjectivities and common sense to alternative discourses .
11 As well as confronting the child and recording its responses in the normal way , they also walked up to its surprised mother and noted how she behaved .
12 The Community Mothers Programme was initiated by the Eastern Health Board ( EHB ) Republic of Ireland , in 1983 and had its origins in the Early Childhood Development project 1980–1983 .
13 This school had a different institutional framework based on applied research supported by agricultural stations , and had its roots in the European tradition of plant geography .
14 It was the same old story — plenty of Leeds dominance , and a defence that rolls over and sticks its feet in the air with great regularity .
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