Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] her [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The result is a silent melodrama with a comic touch , as the heroine pilots the wounded hero through the desert to safety or drives her sledge across the snowy Canadian wastes .
2 Detectives do not know if she was attacked somewhere else and driven to her death , or met her fate in the lovers ' lane .
3 there is only one exception : if a wife owns the property or has her name on the rent book or has the property because of her job , her husband is regarded as the head of household , provided that he is resident ( our italics ) .
4 I also think that there is n't a woman alive who would n't like to have a companion to be there with a cup of tea when she 's in bed with the flu and a high temperature , or holding her hand at the surgery when she 's awaiting the result of a test .
5 They die out , you know , ’ she said without raising her voice or removing her attention from the crowding clouds .
6 She may experience a crisis of disbelief in her religious faith , or direct her anger towards the medical or nursing staff who cared for her husband , for failing to save his life ; or she may blame family or friends and have feelings of guilt and anger against herself for things that were done or not done during his lifetime .
7 A young daughter will help her father distribute game or follow her mother into the fields , but by the age of 9 or 10 girls are participating in the total range of tasks normal to female status .
8 By a notice of appeal dated 20 July 1992 the Official Solicitor appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that since the judge had found as facts that ( a ) T. had been able properly and fully to form a balanced judgment and had not been acting under undue influence but had been acting voluntarily , and ( b ) her several expressions withholding consent were valid refusals which bound the hospital , ( 1 ) he had erred in finding himself entitled to make the declaration ; ( 2 ) it had been wrong for him to assess T. 's subsequent intentions and to make assumptions as to whether she would have qualified or changed her refusal in the later circumstances ; and ( 3 ) he had erred in finding that ( a ) there was no evidence that T. had wished to refuse a blood transfusion even though it was at risk to her life , ( b ) lack of understanding of the risks involved justified acting against her expressed refusal , ( c ) her withholding of consent did not embrace the emergency which had arisen and took no account of changed circumstances , ( d ) her expressed refusals did not evince a settled intention to persist in her refusal even if injurious to her health when her best interests required a transfusion ; and ( e ) he was not satisfied that her refusal was continuing .
9 If Saint Winifred did indeed conceive and decree her departure with the wagon for Ramsey , and if a saint 's plans can not be disrupted by man , then surely she must also have willed all that happened after … the ambush by outlaws , the theft of the cart and team , the abandonment of the load , and with it , her reliquary , to be found by my tenants , and brought to me here .
10 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
11 Then she stood up and led her friend to the door .
12 She sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand .
13 She brushed the white flowers and wiped her hand on the earth .
14 The preacherman had hauled her out of the Feelgood and battered her face against the road .
15 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
16 As he said it he raised her hand to his lips and grazed her flesh with the warmth of his kiss .
17 On Friday , Paula , whose writing emphasises the sound of language , demonstrated how she uses electronic technology to project and enhance her voice during the performance of her work .
18 The riverbank rushed towards her with dizzying speed as the stiffness in her legs caused her stumble and lose her balance on the uneven ground .
19 She had not time to dress and make her way to the Casa Guidi .
20 Lindsey dropped the cards on to the desk , took a deep breath and checked her appearance in the mirror , seeing the fashionable dark tailored skirt and the short-sleeved blouse with its red epaulettes .
21 Then , dressing in her long white dress , she stole quietly downstairs and made her way down the path to the gate and across the meadow to the railway line .
22 The driver looked on sentimentally as she alighted from the car and made her way down the path .
23 Finally , hugging the bottle 's warmth to her chest , she checked on the bolts of the front and back doors and made her way up the uncarpeted stairs to bed .
24 With this , she once more wrapped up warmly and made her way to the stable .
25 ‘ Rest , ’ she said and made her way to the door .
26 Before she finished here and made her way to the sitting room , there were certain things she must say to Cissie , and she must say them without alarming the girl , yet , at the same time , make her aware that she was no longer a child , that she already had the mark of a woman on her .
27 She crept out of her house , and made her way to the festa .
28 She broke away before he could get a stranglehold and made her way to the podium , hitching up her dress and putting on her very best smile for the tridvid sages .
29 She went into the house and made her way to the small suite of rooms that Bonard and his staff of two used as offices .
30 She slipped quietly out of the hotel , grateful that none of the other cast members were around to witness her departure , and made her way to the car park .
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