Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] they [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is also at least arguable that these sections of the UCTA prevent the seller from imposing an obligation on the buyer to permit the seller to exercise the options of alteration of the goods or taking them back for a refund , because such actions by the seller would be in breach of his warranty of quiet possession .
2 ‘ I always wanted to work with a squad of young players and bring them on for a few seasons .
3 He blew a lot of his money on gambling , even slot machines , and buying cars before he got bored with them and sold them off for a fraction of the price he paid for them . ’
4 Well , she her , her sleeping habits during the day change to afternoons , and , well today she 's been she had about two hours this afternoon , so if we did our normal and gave her tea at five o'clock , and send them up for a bath at half past six , there 's no way she 'd be asleep .
5 Of course , this may lead them to run onto the rotted wood , which will give way and let them in for a long fall …
6 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
7 On return to the farm in the late afternoon there was likely to be a further round of gossip and conversation while grooming the horses and bedding them down for the night .
8 And holding them up for a little bit of erm laughter .
9 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
10 His second-in-command re-divided the men and sent them back for a second search of the places they had searched before .
11 Pulling the centre-half back left a gap in midfield which needed a link man to pick up passes from defence and lay them on for the forwards .
12 Indeed , Mr Pocklington and his ilk would take small cannon onto a suitable lake and fire them off for the edification of the plumber partridges who came to nest in the district .
13 Block discounting — a finance house may buy a ‘ block ’ of debtors from a company at a discount , and follow them up for the company .
14 But if you want your life story to grip them by the throat and take them along for a rattling good ride which will haunt them for years to come — forget it .
15 This is what pisses me off so often you know , things like the halls of residence and stuff are there to help the students and they do n't , they just try and rip them off for every cent they can do it for .
16 This compromise incorporates two tiers of tariffs which are likely to reduce marginally the price of British bananas but push them up for the Germans .
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