Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] he [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Notes in Winston Churchill 's files suggested that Britain 's options were either to send a " correct " reply to the South , commiserating with him in declining to advise him , or to encourage him along the American line , or to urge him to undertake an all-out campaign against Mossadeq .
2 He did n't ask or tell him to leave the Apache alone .
3 A woman drove a van into the garage at Cooksdown in County Tyrone and asked him to fit a new exhaust .
4 Send a man into the field only half-armed with the facts and expect him to do a professional job .
5 It was the Foreign Office 's reluctance to upset the entente with France by pressing too hard on the Congo issue which first convinced Morel of the baneful effects of traditional diplomacy , and provoked him to develop a coherent critique of what he later called ‘ the intrigues and imbecilities of professional diplomats . ’
6 His hair , which he had cut himself in one of the gales of thrift that blew up in him every few weeks , kept getting into his eyes and caused him to see a charming rainbow when he stood under a street lamp to look up at Sam 's room — something he had done too often .
7 One such affront , to the Archduke of Austria , later cost him his freedom and caused him to suffer a long imprisonment from which he was only freed at huge expense — much of which was raised by his neglected kingdom of England .
8 Louise tried to soothe him and persuade him to drink the antiseptic draught which McNab had given her .
9 In spite of Paxford 's strong left-wing views , Minto idolized him and allowed him to occupy the same sort of position in her household as John Brown had occupied at the court of Queen Victoria .
10 I 'll ring Bourne and get him to organise a small team .
11 It concluded that Dr Silvester had been guilty of a ‘ serious error of professional judgment ’ and ordered him to take a six-month retraining course .
12 It was Guy fitzAlan 's task to deliver Stephen 's invitation to de Tracy and to persuade him to accept the inevitable — if such persuasion was necessary .
13 And ask him to bring the old map with him , please . ’
14 And force him to ask the same questions of his life , and to reply : This is all there is and it is enough .
15 Satan comes to Jesus on the cross in the guise of a guardian angel , convinces him he 's not the Messiah and invites him to have a normal life on earth .
16 They hauled Tommy out of class and forced him to spend a whole day alone in a tiny punishment room .
17 It was Blackberry who bullied the stupefied Pipkin to his feet and forced him to limp the few yards to the gravel spit .
18 ‘ There 's another legacy of £1,000 , this time to his friend Martin Burger , ‘ more than enough for that new pair of spectacles which I hope may improve his judgement and help him to see the obvious . ’
19 A tube of Winsor blue for Alan Tate , spectacles for Burger … ‘ which I hope may improve his judgement and help him to see the obvious . ’
20 There is no-one to round him off , hold him back and help him to lessen the inevitable path to the eccentricity .
21 You must wipe away the blood with the damp cloth , like this , and help him to drink a little water .
22 And so just as Jesus showed his at-one-ment with us , he now asks us to show our at-one-ment with him , and join him to continue the Great Battle until the final defeat of Evil and the ‘ restoration of all things ’ .
23 President Ramiz Alia on May 3 reappointed Fatos Nano as Prime Minister and mandated him to form a new government , one day after Nano had tendered the resignation of his provisional government formed in February .
24 Never fully attuned to the intricate histories of football , the New York team sided a former Argentinian international , and instructed him to mark the mercurial Johnson out of the game .
25 Here he learnt that the pope would not release him from the archbishopric , but wished him to expound the Latin doctrine of the Procession of the Holy Spirit at a meeting with representatives of the Greek Church at Bari in October .
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