Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 Do you want to give them now or do it at the end ?
2 One day soon I will rip its beak off and glue it onto the end of my own fine aquiline conk , and , secure in my new disguise , I 'll be down to the Inland Revenue Enforcement ( B ) in Barrington Road and scrabbling frantically at my tax inspector 's trousers ( I may be wrong , but I picture them as that specially rich shade of brown polyester-and-worsted that only Dunn & Co can achieve ) before you can say , ‘ Well , what 's got into you , dearie ? ’
3 Whenever she washed the windows in one room , she would mark the date down on the card , and place it at the end of the section .
4 Then , using a two pronged transfer tool , pick up just the end stitch and put it on the end needle ( 1 ) .
5 and put it on the end .
6 Put a bundle into a handkerchief and tie it onto the end of the string .
7 Press the nozzle just before you aim it at the surface , and release it at the end of each stroke .
8 If we had anyone who could put up the money then we 'd buy our own and resell it at the end . ’
9 This facility ‘ for burying an emotion in my heart or brain for forty years , and exhuming it at the end of that time as fresh as when interred ’ , as he described it , lies behind many of his most successful lyrics .
10 And if he should record the note electronically , would he then bother to save it and retain it until the end of his life ?
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