Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 I appreciate that the number of cases in which the taker and driver away is not the driver who goes on to cause personal injury or damage will be comparatively few , but I ask my right hon. Friend whether it is necessary to make such a draconian change in the traditional principles of British law , or to do it by reversing the normal burden of proof .
2 Or stopping it from rotting the furniture .
3 Next she considered the potatoes : in the past she had always cooked them in their skins , but recently it had been suggested that potato skins , if not carcinogenic , were yet harmful to the system , perforating the bowel or preventing it from absorbing the vital vitamins .
4 ‘ We can take the old sole off and replace it without changing the shape of the shoe or damaging the structure .
5 While this is true , there are ways of minimising the problem , and eliminating it by altering the balance of the combustion in the diesel for the first , and by putting a particulate trap into the exhaust pipe for the second .
6 He was the spirit of Rangers ' resolution , defying Celtic and flaunting it by taking the ball for a walk into the distant corners of the Celtic defence whenever he could , destroying time , the Rangers ' enemy on the night .
7 1 The trick of making eyes smoulder is to apply solid colour sparingly , then smudge and spread it by softening the edges .
8 The British approach to social policy as developed in the nineteenth century both understood this distinction and exploited it by making the workhouse the only alternative to family care and then deliberately creating conditions in workhouses which were both undesirable in terms of physical conditions and also reinforced a sense of shame , so that any relative who could be considered available would feel obliged to offer support .
9 In case your bike is stolen , make it easier for the police to identify and recover it by marking the frame with your postcode .
10 It believes that every vehicle should have a sophisticated exhaust that traps the lead and prevents it from reaching the atmosphere .
11 There I was revelling in the murmur of drunken conversation from the bar and you go and spoil it by sticking the juke-box on . ’
12 I think , though , I 'm always disappointed the way it seems to be that soaps raise this issue but then come back and resolve it by saying the real father is the blood father .
13 Appeal Court judge Sir Stephen Brown blamed Nottinghamshire last week for an ‘ unhappy catalogue of errors ’ in a child protection case , and accused it of misusing the Children Act .
14 At one end there are double doors , so that you can go in through the outer door and shut it before opening the inner door — which means there 's less chance of a bird escaping .
15 But to do it without damaging the flora and fauna , horse power still reigns supreme .
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