Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [to-vb] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The threshold time is therefore automatically raised or lowered to compensate for the reader being swept too slowly or too quickly .
2 There is not point arranging to play squash if you dislike the game , or vowing to go for a jog each day , if you hate running .
3 This was a major objective of burial societies and other forms of insurance ; irreplaceable possessions were often pawned or sold to pay for a funeral .
4 You 're always gon na have objections , I think you 've seen so far , throughout the whole sales process , some are more awkward than others but you got by them but the majority will come when you ask for the business , or go to ask for the business .
5 This MAY be fair criticism — but we do nt know what he s being told or asked to do for the team .
6 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
7 For we can easily imagine a legislative structure that would produce compromise statutes mechanically , as a function of the different opinions about strict liability or racial discrimination or abortion among the various legislators , without any legislator being asked or required to vote for the compromise as a package .
8 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
9 As a result seventeen players were suspended for six months , fined a total of £900 , and forbidden to play for the club again .
10 Homoeopathy has therefore become a postgraduate study and has to rely for the recruitment of its practitioners on those members of the medical , dental , veterinary and pharmaceutical professions who are open-minded enough to try new approaches .
11 Pair or group tasks will not stimulate worthwhile collaboration unless they engage children 's interest and involvement , and are sufficiently flexible and challenging to allow for a range of responses .
12 At times he would claim that his father had been lashed in front of the town and put in the stocks for poaching a salmon , and told to pray for the soul of Lord I — whose goodness had saved him from the hanging he deserved .
13 Then he frowned and seemed to consider for a moment .
14 Similarly Marxism is wrong in seeing the problems of modernity as exclusively the result of the capitalist system and attempting to account for the behaviour of a Stalin or a Khruschev , or a Mao Tse-tung or a Hoxha in terms of the cult of personality while at the same time ignoring the lack of moral constraints on the exercise of power in modern Marxist states .
15 The opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party denounced the name change and vowed to fight for the right to continue to use its name .
16 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
17 She reached into the Mini and lifted out her bag and began to rummage for a pen and paper .
18 At last , I picked up the directory and began to look for the telephone number of a solicitor .
19 The King left the kitchen and began to look for the food .
20 The water splashed heavily against the glass , and rising to fumble for a towel , he saw his face distorted , the mouth hanging , the heavily-lidded eyes half hidden by glistening weeds of black hair like the surfacing visage of a drowned man .
21 and forms to sign for a petition .
22 Turn round day is a bit hectic for us , so we suggest you pack your bags in the morning , leave them in our safekeeping , and disappear to explore for the day !
23 The library arts college student is definitely scheduled for supervised reading periods and permitted to ask for a class meeting whenever he feels his readings have failed to answer questions .
24 At about 10,000ft ( 3300m ) we broke out of the trees into an area of grassland that looked vaguely like a Scottish moor and decided to camp for the night .
25 The executive of the 1922 Committee met at the home of its chairman , Edward du Cann , on October 14 , and decided to press for a leadership election .
26 Preston drained his glass and decided to go for the bottle in the next interlude .
27 We consider what old fishing boats , and even vessels that were not specially made for fishing , can be adapted and sent to fish for a year or two .
28 It 's not unusual for blood pressure to go up as a result of stress , so if you have a high reading at some point , your doctor or midwife might suggest you rest and try to relax for a while before they check it again .
29 ‘ Sit down and try to relax for a minute . ’
30 Lady Selvedge and Mrs Grandison arrived at Victoria Station on the day of the bazaar shortly after noon , and proceeded to look for a place where they might have lunch , or luncheon , as they called it .
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