Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [to-vb] [pron] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But schools often under-use the talents and energies of their teachers , or fail to develop them in any consistent and systematic way .
2 He ( among others ) perceived adolescent labour as an obstacle to efficiency not only because it lacked knowledge of employment opportunities and the ability to distinguish between the merits of different occupations , but also because its inherent ‘ adaptability ’ was ‘ wasted ’ ( always a key notion in National Efficiency circles ) by the ‘ haphazard ’ nature of the transition which left too many youths in dead-end jobs and failed to enrol them in any form of further education .
3 Set against these points is the maintenance problem ; softwood doors need regular decoration to keep rot at bay , and even hardwoods require regular treatment with preservative and stain to keep them in good condition .
4 I 've started to look at this and want to explore it in greater depth .
5 I 've started to look at this and want to explore it in greater depth .
6 Voluntary organisations took mainly ‘ first offenders ’ and tried to place them in domestic service .
7 Valley Canoe Products have located a source of indestructible deck elastics and hope to offer them in 6 and 8mm sizes .
8 Gabriel took over John Coffin 's neglected cup and began to drink it in anxious little sips .
9 It is quite reasonable for someone to draw on specific groups and try to understand particular pieces of action , to use a wider theoretical framework in which to place these actions and try to understand them in this way .
10 The early industrialists were proud of their achievements and liked to have them in full view .
11 So provides section 16 of the Partnership Act , 1890 , and the words have a comfortingly assured ring about them even though long and intimate acquaintance with that Act suggests that comfort will be impaired if here as at other points in the Act one indulges in deeper reflection ; and reflection need not go very deep before one becomes uneasy , because if one takes the words of section 16 into unqualified acceptance and seeks to apply them in practical situations , one does not have to envisage a great number of such situations to find some where the uncritical acceptance of section 16 will lead to manifest absurdity .
12 In the Sixties , women had that kind of confidence and wanted to express themselves in that way .
13 " Dull for the telephone men , I 'm afraid , " I said , " but try to keep them in good heart .
14 But try to implicate me in any way — or use me as a trade-off- and it 'll be added to the police clear-up rate faster than the eye can follow .
15 Mike Fitzpatrick capsized 2 minutes before the start but managed to right himself in such a position that he was first away on the gun although he was to drop back to 30th .
16 It has several aspects , including : ( a ) the range of options offered to the teacher is crucial in fitting the program to his style and enabling him to contribute effectively , but too many will be confusing ( b ) the designer may see a whole range of possible extensions to the teaching possibilities of the program : the lengthy development process of all good teaching units makes such extensions attractive but trying to include them in one program will tend to make it difficult to ‘ see through ’ and to use ( c ) the desire for compatibility with different hardware configurations often inspires programming constraints that can be severe ; conversely , programs that fully exploit the facilities of a particular microcomputer are likely to be difficult to transfer .
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