Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 whether he will be invited to lunch with Rose and Phil , and if not , whether to get a sandwich in a pub , or go straight back to the office , send out for sandwiches , and catch up on the plans for the Manchester Marina scheme ; and if so , whether to order egg and tomato sandwiches , or cheese and chutney , or some of each ;
2 Above the cave we found an overgrown track which soon emerged onto bare rock and led steeply up to the cliff edge .
3 But they were solid , and led safely up to the ruined top of the wall where another , larger slab made a good view point .
4 And pave right over to the gate there so you , so that you can get either car out one one car and bring up to the back of here and the other two across there .
5 She handed over a neatly wrapped ‘ mixed bunch ’ to one customer , with a chatty , ‘ Here you are , love , ’ and moved swiftly on to the next .
6 A vile joke — he could as well sprout wings and fly straight up to the sun as find that sum !
7 She was intensely house-proud , though her home was mean and small , having a frontage of not more than twelve feet , and opening directly on to the street , with no garden before it .
8 McLeish saw that she was crying again , but decided coldly there was nothing he was going to do and trudged wearily back to the lift , the morning 's cheerfulness totally evaporated .
9 Bodie swung the car in a tight circle and drove quickly back to the area of London where the Stones lived .
10 Relieved to be away from the desperate depth of emotion that surrounded Miguel , Shelley ran to the jeep and drove quickly back to the complex .
11 The shintiyan were ordinary trousers , not undergarments , and came right down to the ankle .
12 I put my candle down on the shelf , and dropped thankfully on to the bed .
13 ‘ Here we are , ’ announced the Brigadier , emerging suddenly from his world of private woes and turning right on to a grassy track running between two olive groves .
14 at this point here and going right down to the final A of ANNA and the way you can , you can , cos you 're gon na step in mid way now and you assume that the appropriate sociability has set the rapport has been built and you start the role play by saying thanks very much for that , I now wan na talk about whatever your product is , yeah , and then step into role play that way ?
15 They turned right out of the approach road to the car park , drove past Richmond Station and turned left on to the A316 .
16 It was softly carpeted with leaves and was still and silent , except when raindrops found a way through the green roof above and plopped faintly on to the leaves .
17 Leaning the broomstick against the signpost , she grasped the handle and climbed carefully on to the top of the twigs and raised her head towards the words on the signpost arm .
18 The edging sander will smooth out uneven areas , and get right up to the skirting board
19 Where the extension number is known a new direct dial facility will enable callers to bypass the switchboard and get straight through to the person they wish to speak to .
20 She stood up , and walked serenely down to the sea , holding her head high and thinking that she was n't sure she could endure another thirteen days in the company of this man .
21 She turned and walked slowly up to the front door of the villa .
22 ‘ Here goes , ’ she muttered to herself , and walked slowly up to the door .
23 After a while she felt exhausted and walked slowly back to the house , shutting the front door carefully behind her .
24 He sat still for another half-hour or so , then got up and walked slowly out to the water 's edge .
25 Instead she took the money from her mother and walked sedately down to the shops with Carla , playing with her and making her laugh .
26 She got stiffly to her feet and walked obediently through to the other room .
27 Dr Jones had come out with her and walked straight over to the lift .
28 Basil turned and walked quickly over to the portrait .
29 She jumped to her feet and walked quickly through to the hall , her eyes blazing fiercely .
30 Gertrude stopped working , and collapsed ponderously on to a seat .
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