Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [art] [noun sg] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 … it is not the object of the Bill to make prostitution illegal , or to provide a cure for prostitution .
2 Do our findings justify complacency or urge the need for reform .
3 Most of the summer breeding birds have either lost or won the battle for survival by then , common seal pups have been weaned and are now learning to fend for themselves .
4 Similarly children have been spaced or limited when required by a variety of means ( e.g. abstinence after the birth of a child , or delaying the age for cohabitation ) .
5 ( 1 ) In granting or refusing an application for leave to apply for a section 8 order , the court is not determining a question with respect to the upbringing of the child concerned .
6 Then , during his three years in exile he came for the first time into close contact with the main exponents of the Gregorian ideal , and we must ask how far and in what circumstances he adopted the phraseology of the Gregorian reformers ; then , whether he adopted the theoretical structure which their favourite phrase libertas ecclesiae expressed , or adopted the phrase for use only in exceptional circumstances and for special reasons .
7 Under the Vienna Convention the right to terminate or suspend the treaty for material breach by another party is limited to the parties .
8 attract merger partners or smooth the way for acquisition ,
9 An exhibition may be aimed at creating new marketing ideas or providing an arena for marketing .
10 What is required ideally is an intelligent decision-making subsystem capable of sampling feedback and effecting or signalling the need for change at every level of the Modular Course which is capable of seriously affecting quality .
11 The court will either grant the request on written application or fix a date for hearing .
12 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
13 Killing Newley still seemed desirable , if far-fetched , like becoming a millionaire or finding a cure for cancer .
14 Retailers will be able to choose whether to surcharge credit card customers or to offer a discount for cash , giving them greater price control .
15 A justices ' clerk has power to grant or refuse an application for transfer .
16 By s 9(1) of the Housing Act 1988 , the court may adjourn for such period as it thinks fit , proceedings for possession of assured tenancies , and may stay , suspend , or postpone a claim for possession — but an order for possession must not in general be postponed to a date later than fourteen days from judgment , unless this would cause exceptional hardship , when up to six weeks may be allowed ( s 89(1) of the Houseing Act 1980 ) ; the maximum of 14 days is subject to important qualifications ( s 89(2) ) examples of which are those cases under the Rent Act 1977 where the court may only order possession if reasonable , possession actions by mortgagees when the period is 28 days , and by lessors for forfeiture for non-payment of rent , when any order for possession must be for not less than four weeks ( s 138(3) of the 1984 Act ) .
17 LIFESPAN does not decide which users are qualified to modify or assess a package for QA ; it is up to the management to determine appropriate personnel , timing , quality , and so on .
18 a taxi which is being used for seeking hire , or answering a call for hire ; or
19 Photographs can reduce the scale of a monument or enlarge a detail for scrutiny .
20 A down-at-heel English journalist , Charles Beadle , lived nearby and shared a passion for gardening with Beatrice .
21 So they compromised and gave £100 to the Barlow Clowes Investors Group which was formed last July to represent the investors ' interests and co-ordinate the fight for compensation .
22 ‘ The idea was developed by four brewers who got together and devised the system for brewing beer in a container ’ says Smillie .
23 Lord Donaldson described the measure as ‘ fatally flawed ’ and attacked the framework for consultation and approval of the rules as a ‘ choreographed quadrille ’ .
24 The assassination by a Korean of the resident general , Itó Hirobumi , during a visit to Manchuria in 1909 , marked the end of all attempts at conciliation and became the excuse for annexation .
25 Mr Brownlow came in , took off his gloves and met the Minister for Trade and Industry , the Rt .
26 A proactive stance is essential in terms of setting and maintaining the mood for change across the various agencies of justice .
27 In many ways they seemed to have been on the verge of civilisation , as they kept pigs , and cultivated the land for millet .
28 ICMS is a combination of ways to manage crops in order to conserve and enhance the environment for wildlife and people while at the same time producing quality crops of economic yield .
29 Mini-Enterprise is an opportunity for a group of young people to come together and make a product for sale , or market a service .
30 You will also need to run an airstone from an aquarium pump to the fish to provide them with plenty of oxygen and to monitor the water for ammonia and nitrite .
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