Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] any [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ( g ) To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms with or without security to any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any holding company , subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of , or any other company associated in any way with , the Company ) , to enter into guarantees , contracts of indemnity and suretyships of all kinds , to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms , and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any such holding company , subsidiary , fellow subsidiary or associated company as aforesaid ) .
2 ( g ) To lend and advance money or give credit on any terms with or without security to any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any holding company , subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of , or any other company associated in any way with , the Company ) , to enter into guarantees , contracts of indemnity and suretyships of all kinds , to receive money on deposit or loan upon any terms , and to secure or guarantee in any manner and upon any terms the payment of any sum of money or the performance of any obligation by any person , firm or company ( including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any such holding company , subsidiary , fellow subsidiary or associated company as aforesaid ) .
3 Clause 5 of the Bill would impose an obligation of confidence on a person who improperly acquires information by using or interfering with any computer or data retrieval mechanism , a welcome clarification .
4 Example 2:1 Parcels clause of office suite ALL THAT suite of rooms on the floor of the building known as ( excluding the outer faces of the walls enclosing the said building and its roof and roof structure but including the structure supporting the floor of the said rooms ) and for the purpose of identification only edged in red on the attached plan Example 2:2 Parcels clause of open land ALL THAT parcel of land in and numbered on the Ordnance Map ( 1968 edition ) for the said district a copy of which is attached hereto ( including the entirety of the hedge and ditch on the western boundary of enclosure number but excluding the entirety of the hedges and ditches on the northern boundaries of the said enclosures and the entirety of the road on the southern boundaries thereof ) Example 2:3 Parcels clause of building excluding airspace ALL THAT building known as shown edged red on the attached plan but excluding the airspace lying above the existing roof of that building together with a right for the tenant with or without workmen to enter that airspace for the sole purpose of inspecting the building or carrying out any works for which the tenant is liable under this lease Example 2:4 Parcels clause with details of boundaries ALL THAT the floor of the building known as ( " the property " ) including ( i ) all non-loadbearing walls situated wholly within the red edging on the attached plan ( ii ) one half ( severed vertically ) of all non-loadbearing walls separating the property from any other part of the building ( iii ) all plaster or other decorative finish applied to any wall bounding the property and not included in paragraphs ( i ) or ( ii ) above or applied to any column or loadbearing wall within the property ( iv ) the whole of all doors door frames windows window frames ( including mastic joints or seals ) bounding the property ( v ) all ceilings bounding the property and any void between any suspended ceiling and the structural slat above ( vi ) all floor finishes and floor screeds including raised floors and floor jacks supporting such floors ( vii ) all light fittings and air conditioning units incorporated in any ceiling but not any other part of the air conditioning system
5 if the other party shall commit any act of bankruptcy , shall have a receiving order made against it , shall make or negotiate for any composition or arrangement with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or , if the other party being a body corporate shall present a petition or have a petition presented by a creditor for its winding up or shall enter into any liquidation ( other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation ) , shall call any meeting of its creditors , shall have a receiver of all or any to its undertakings or assets appointed , shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts , or shall cease to carry on business
6 7.4 Employees and their managers must complete this form and send it to the Employees Relations Officer at Department Headquarters , , not only in circumstances in which the employee has been physically hurt but also where they may have been abused or threatened in any way or subjected to racial or sexual harassment .
7 146 ( 1 ) A right of re-entry or forfeiture under any proviso or stipulation in a lease for a breach of any covenant or condition in the lease shall not be enforceable , by action or otherwise , unless and until the lessor serves on the lessee a notice — ( a ) specifying the particular breach complained of ; and ( b ) if the breach is capable of remedy , requiring the lessee to remedy the breach ; and ( c ) in any case , requiring the lessee to make compensation in money for the breach ; and the lessee fails , within a reasonable time thereafter , to remedy the breach , if it is capable of remedy , and to make reasonable compensation in money , to the satisfaction of the lessor , for the breach .
8 Men who failed to wash up , wash themselves , get jobs , remember birthdays or talk on any subject but themselves had ‘ good hearts ’ , I would insist .
9 … freedom of speech , and debates on proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament .
10 ‘ That the freedome of speech and debates or proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parlyament .
11 That the free dome of Speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Courte or place out of Parliament .
12 ( l ) To subscribe for , take , purchase , or otherwise acquire , hold , sell , deal with and dispose of , place and underwrite shares , stocks , debentures , debenture stocks , bonds , obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any other company constituted or carrying on business in any part of the world , and debentures , debenture stocks , bonds , obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any government or authority , municipal , local or otherwise , in any part of the world .
13 ( l ) To subscribe for , take , purchase , or otherwise acquire , hold , sell , deal with and dispose of , place and underwrite shares , stocks , debentures , debenture stocks , bonds , obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any other company constituted or carrying on business in any part of the world , and debentures , debenture stocks , bonds , obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any government or authority , municipal , local or otherwise , in any part of the world .
14 Its principal strengths lie in the ability to ( a ) make selective use of available visual cues ( for fluent readers much of the visual stimulus remains unattended [ Just & Carpenter , 1987 ] ) and ( b ) utilise an understanding of the text that can guide the reading process and compensate for any degradation or ambiguity within the visual stimulus .
15 These were the clause condemning the impanelling of partial , corrupt and unqualified jurors ( a reference to the Rye House Plot trials of 1683 ) , the clause condemning excessive fines ( a reference to the crippling fines levied on Whig dissidents during the Tory Reaction ) , and the clause condemning " Grants and promises made of fines and forfeitures before any Conviction and Judgment of the same against the persons upon whom the same were to be levied " ( a reference to James 's dealings with the Monmouth rebels ) .
16 The Institution regrets any misunderstanding which may have arisen from the article and apologises for any offence or inconvenience caused to G.L. Watson and Company and Mr J Allen McLachlan .
17 This apparatus provided a ‘ superb control and monitoring instrument ’ allowing presidential advisers to keep a tight grip on the domestic policy agenda and to guard against any dilution or deviation .
18 Continued success in this area will obviously depend in part on the unions ' continued ability to stay abreast of developments , and contribute to any agreement or trade and legal standards that are produced .
19 Some spotlights have a magnetic backplate so that they can be attached to any surface and pointed in any direction or can be set to swivel around inside a container .
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