Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun sg] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If they start to fall beneath their percentile band then they are not growing or gaining weight at the expected rate and it is important to try to determine why this is happening .
2 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
3 And lose money at the same time .
4 It may not be possible to lower wages and raise motivation at the same time .
5 And you went down the high street and you turned sharp left and went along Dock Street and circling supermarket at the bottom end of town
6 The future of British coal lies in a high-tech industry employing small numbers of people and producing coal at a competitive price .
7 When the German officer began to shout abuse at the Poles , this goat leant out of his window and shouted abuse at the German officer .
8 New world-patented TV glasses designed by two Hungarian engineers allow the wearer to walk and watch television at the same time .
9 Then I went over to the vice-president 's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times .
10 Hoare was born in Southampton , and received education at no fewer than three Catholic establishments , leaving the last with an arts degree and red spiky hair .
11 The great novelist , in Nizan 's eyes , should be an " anti-Dostoievsky " , that is to say , a writer who can at one level emulate Dostoievsky 's ability to transpose on to the literary plane the anguish and despair of men and women struggling alone and unaided in the midst of a tragic social situation , and yet who can at another level go beyond Dostoievsky , offer a coherent explanation of the specific historical situation in which men and women are trapped , and focus attention at the same time on the political means of combating the injustices of their social condition .
12 ‘ When you talk about records and scoring ability at the top level then Wright is by far ahead .
13 How to keep your home warm and save energy at the same time
14 The fish is eating well , but every now and again it goes to the surface , collects a mouthful of air and then returns quickly to the bottom , chewing and releasing air at the same time .
15 The approach speed must be correct to allow you to Stop and Give Way at the single broken white line if necessary .
16 They cheered , and threw bread at the haggard Frenchman .
17 Coincidentally with the struggles to define , encourage and teach citizenship at the national level , attempts are being made in both official and academic forums to clarify and define a European citizenship in a Community sense .
18 Assemblies were the pivot : so long as the king could secure attendance , he could refill his coffers , exercise patronage , and maintain consensus at the same time .
19 The Professional version offers the additional feature of being able to make adjustments to the stitch layout from within the COLOUR PATTERN section , so you can edit your colour pattern and stitch layout at the same time if you want to .
20 The Government watchdog Securities and Investment Board ( known as SIB ) has teamed up with the Consumers ' Association to run a stand at the Home Buying And Finance show at the Ideal Home Exhibition , Earls Court , from 4 to 7 April .
21 He looked round the littered site , at its dried browns and darkened greens , and considered the men who were sitting round quietly talking and blowing smoke at the swarming flies .
22 ‘ Nuclear power is , without a doubt , the cleanest — and by any objective criteria — safest way of sustaining growth and protectingthe environment at the same time .
23 Having already paid for my return ticket I was cross at having to buy another one , and even more upset at having to pay extra for the one-way ticket and convert sterling at an unfavourable rate .
24 This and many other recollected gems stand out in The Don 's admirably planned and delivered speech at the 1989 dinner marking the opening of the Bradman Museum at Bowral , NSW and the Bradman Trust .
25 Offshore non-trading companies are exempt from corporation tax , but may waive their exemption and pay tax at an agreed rate .
26 Delegates felt that women had more talent than men for spotting potential sources of trouble and taking action at an earlier stage .
27 At six he could solve complicated mathematical equations and play chess at an advanced level .
28 You see when committees are meeting at two o'clock usually have a much shorter agenda than this committee discussion but to enable to this committee and to do its job properly , I would think we 'd be looking where possible to be able to discuss items properly and to get start at a reasonable time like we do .
29 Finally , we may see an object moving and changing shape at the same time ( as does a walking mammal ) .
30 But the borrower must cooperate with the lender , particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment .
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