Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun sg] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The answer is best illustrated by explaining the steps which DOS follows after you type in a program or command name at the DOS prompt .
2 Prevent an offence by anyone else of disposing , treating or sorting waste at a site that does not have a waste management licence , is operating in contravention of the conditions of any such licence , or is operating in a manner likely to cause pollution or harm to health .
3 If there is an important and difficult question of law , however , I do not anticipate that senior judges will either feel ‘ demeaned ’ or take umbrage at the possibility of the courts looking at the question again on fuller argument .
4 A common mistake made by first-time word-processor users is in using the Return or Enter key at the end of each line .
5 There 's lots to do in Ayr — stroll round the town , visit the shops , have a game of golf on one of the challenging courses , visit ancient castles and magnificent stately homes , or spend time at the seaside .
6 Fat Vince is beer-crate operative and freelance bouncer at the Shakespeare .
7 In contrast penetrative magmatism , whereby hot and partially molten material from the asthenosphere forces its way up towards the surface , is a much more rapid mechanism of heat transfer and is capable of thinning 100 km thick lithosphere and producing uplift at the surface in only about 20 Ma .
8 ‘ She 's the one who is good at figures and has ability at the barbecue ? ’ she asked pointedly , deciding to get all these aggravating niggles off her chest .
9 That is , the use of the royal prerogative as the legal backing for the management of the public service , the principle that a civil servant is a servant of the Crown and holds office at the pleasure of the Crown is one of the best known principles of constitutional law , hallowed by usage and sanctioned by the courts .
10 He gained his first knowledge of practical politics as a member of the London county council , and entered Parliament at a by-election in Lewisham West in 1938 , retaining the seat till the Conservative débâcle of 1945 .
11 Harry Ward , a 27-year-old born-deaf man orally educated at the Llandaff School in Cardiff and possessing excellent lipreading skills , managed to follow his three brothers into the Munster Regiment and undergo training at the Curragh Camp in Ireland .
12 During a debate on party organisation , some representatives complained that Conservative Central Office was not providing Tory workers with the necessary back-up to sustain and win support at the grass roots .
13 POLICE have praised three people who detained a suspect following a smash and grab raid at an Essex jeweller 's shop .
14 Countless reminiscences recall the uniquely stimulating and searching atmosphere at the court of this philosopher-king .
15 It failed to find a publisher either in Macmillan or elsewhere , but Hardy was given a great deal of largely conflicting and unsettling advice at a time when he was ‘ feeling his way to a method ’ .
16 Incidentally I reserve the right to make sick jokes and hurl abuse at the scum , or any opposition , or even Newsome no matter what .
17 She reflected that if Time had needed to deposit its flotsam on her doorstep , could it not have taken the form of a steady young man who caught the 5.30 train home each evening , and played cricket at the weekends ?
18 The European Parliament on Feb. 14 approved a resolution calling for an end to " the deplorable situation of human rights abuses " in Guatemala and expressing concern at the lack of progress in investigating abuses .
19 We will also have a sales and ordering stall at the branch Christmas Sale on Nov. 16th. has started her antenatal teacher training and hopes to be ‘ registered ’ by mid-December .
20 There is an unofficial parking and turning area at the Boathouse Bridge end .
21 The consequences of erecting barriers — even if we could do that — to produce and use fuel at a price that we could achieve only if we erected those barriers would have a direct effect on the cost of power .
22 In theory , the Cabinet is still collectively responsible to the Commons , and so it is possible for a government to be defeated on a motion of no confidence in the Commons so that it would be forced resign , call for another general election , and face judgement at the polls .
23 Those with excess liquidity wish to become less liquid and lend money at a return they would otherwise not receive , to those with insufficient liquidity ; those with insufficient liquidity are prepared to pay for funds .
24 His project , which stretched over 25 years , involved clearing 450 acres of bracken and regenerating heather at a family estate at Ramsgill , Nidderdale , North Yorkshire .
25 A crowd then assembled and threw pepper at the police , causing such a commotion that it was only possible to get the one-legged prisoner to the police station with the assistance of twelve constables .
26 The through room is where Dirkin lolls around , watches TV and takes exercise at the dartboard .
27 Intergraph Corp 's European Users ' Conference — EuroGUG ‘ 92 — is being hosted by the Intergraph UK Graphics Users Group and takes place at the Birmingham Metropole Hotel between November 2nd and 5th .
28 At home , money meant food or perhaps , if one had saved a lot , more land , but here the shops were full of the most amazing commodities and getting money at the end of the week seemed to suggest that these things were within one 's reach .
29 Erm , obviously one needs to change peoples ideas or change the way we do things or whatever , erm two relevant position that 's sort of making them believe in what they 're trying to erm , propose , and getting commitment at the end .
30 He attended the Liverpool School of Pharmacy and began work at a pharmacy in Blackpool where he met his future wife Betty .
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