Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 Sixty-eight per cent of the population have read or looked at it in the past year .
2 ‘ At least 130 people have either rang or written to me in the last few weeks .
3 In this guise , the computer 's role was to deliver machine-readable information that would supplement that normally found by students in printed form or received by them in the shape of lectures and seminars .
4 ‘ If you wish to sit up talking with Claudine , however , or walk with her in the moonlight … ’
5 Pilots should also be briefed about the dangers of raising the undercarriage , closing the canopy window or fiddling with anything in the cockpit in case they are momentarily distracted or jerk the stick unintentionally during the initial climb out .
6 Rose never interested in clothes before , tried the lot on and beamed at herself in the long mirror .
7 Dynamics of survival within the NMGC must be related to the role which the organisation has defined and redefined for itself in the light of a changing understanding of marital problems over time and in relation to the work of other agencies .
8 ‘ I shall convince the parents to let me come and stay with you in the holidays , ’ Antonia had promised .
9 Rachel kneels behind me whispering in my ear , ‘ You never told me about Jancey ’ and I tell her she 's just the woman next door and Rachel says , ‘ Oh yeah ? ’ and I push her onto her back and sit astride her in the dark .
10 The chief preoccupation of Methuen 's later years , apart from his painting , and one for which he denied himself many luxuries , was the restoration , maintenance , and improvement of Corsham Court , the family seat , and of the collection of pictures which hung in the magnificent gallery built and furnished for them in the 1760s .
11 We welcome that and will do all we can to sustain and build on it in the future .
12 No and like they 're , like Mr was like taking the piss yeah right , everyone was clapping and cheering about something in the class , yeah , and Mr opens the Mr opens the door and goes stop that clapping , and shuts the door .
13 And the thing growled and howled to itself in the centre of its blind struggle .
14 She smoothes the dress out against her front and looks at it in the mirror .
15 Mother and daughter were glad of each other 's company then , while the electric storm boomed and crashed around them in the black night , as if aiming for this one exposed place .
16 I told myself he might have meant us to meet at the Festival , so I went along there and searched for him in the crowd . ’
17 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
18 Ralph Meeker snapped an old man 's priceless Caruso record in half in Kiss Me Deadly , Richard Conte tortured Cornel Wilde by turning up a hearing aid and shouting into it in The Big Combo , Ingrid Bergman drank the poisoned Brazilian coffee in Notorious , Charles Laughton plunged down a lift shaft in The Big Clock , Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth shot it out in a hall of mirrors in Lady from Shanghai , Edmond O'Brien lurched into a police station to report his own murder in D.O.A. , Tony Curtis was brutally beaten by a corrupt cop in Sweet Smell of Success , Laurence Harvey jumped in the lake in The Manchurian Candidate .
19 It was unlooked-for grace that after supper he should send his page to ask Mistress Hussey to be kind enough to come and speak with him in the small chamber the prince was using as a study .
20 He seizes him and disposes of him in the river like the previous three bodies , and finally gets his pay , the wife being all the more glad for having got rid of her repugnant husband .
21 The boy was holding a magnifying glass over a postcard and writing on it in the tiniest hand .
22 It was this talent which had landed him the job with the Oswaldston College of Further Education and he was already unearthing long — forgotten aspects of Lancashire social history , and writing about them in the local paper .
23 We need biblical ways of practising the presence of God and to listen to him in the power of his Spirit .
24 and told to us in the days before he died
25 Ezek. 22.30 — ‘ I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it , but I found none . ’
26 In the first chilly greyness of dawn , before the sun rose , Sergeant Comstock , of the uniformed branch , who came of a long line of native fishermen , not to say poachers , and knew his river as he knew the palm of his own hand , thankfully abandoned what he had always known was a useless patrol of the left bank downstream , and on his own responsibility borrowed one of his many nephews , and embarked with him in the coracle which was his natural means of personal transport on the Comer .
27 Listen for them on radio and television and look for them in the newspaper .
28 Get up and look at yourselves in the mirror .
29 There is nobody here who ca n't wake up in the morning and look at himself in the mirror . ’
30 One Small Step is building a laboratory that will help keep many children from lives spent in a wheelchair … please help to make this possible for our kids and run for them in the next London Marathon .
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