Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He said he could ‘ club ’ a golfer , hacker or scratch player by the second shot into the 3rd hole .
2 The outcome of the illness in children admitted to hospital was recorded as clinically improved , clinically worse , or causing death before the fifth day after entry into the study .
3 The clearest and harshest expression of this twofold approach ( and one which certainly brings into the open its ultimate presuppositions ) was perhaps the application of the doctrine of predestination in the Federal or Covenant Theology of the seventeenth century as expressed in such classic statements as the Westminster Confession , which for centuries held sway on both sides of the Atlantic as the most widely authoritative summary in English of Reformed orthodoxy .
4 We had a social evening at the Dog and Trumpet pub on the 3rd April .
5 ULSTER investors who take a stake in this summer 's flotation of Northern Ireland Electricity may be able to make a ‘ quick buck ’ and raise cash for the next issue of British Telecom shares .
6 Use extended memory , and load smartdrv as the first device driver in CONFIG.SYS after the HIMEM.SYS command line .
7 Table 2.1 gives additional information about these two broad industrial areas , showing that it is in the retail trade and the hotels and catering industry in the first of these , and public administration , education , medical services , " other services to the public " , recreational and cultural services and personal services in the second , where the proportion of temporary workers is greatest and/or where an important share of the temporary workforce is to be found .
8 At the moment John Cleese is in full sail , way ahead of the field , confident , at ease , and gathering energy for the next thing .
9 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
10 The rampant sexism of the climbing and walking fraternity over the last 50 years has left a whole generation of older women with the legacy of being expected to have the white-bearded , old sod 's tea ready for him on the table when he comes home from a fabulous day out on the hills .
11 Barclay pulled a pen from his pocket and prodded part of the first plate .
12 The MORI survey was conducted to measure the success of the Prospectus and to provide feedback for the second edition , which has now been published .
13 The consortium intends picking suppliers for federated naming ( which may be used in the object management system to enhance seamless support for multiple object managers ) , multimedia support and object management in the third quarter .
14 Many of these buildings which survive are in northern France and suffered bombardment in the First World War , but all are well restored to the original design .
15 So , straight away , Terry Nation sat down at his typewriter and began work on the first phase of any TV writing project , the story idea .
16 As his health recovered , he resumed his fieldwork , making important new discoveries in the geology of the midlands , Shropshire , and north Wales , and providing advice to the second royal coal commission ( 1902–5 ) and on foundations and water supply .
17 Their function was to work , to procreate and to give place to the next generation ; while the sprawling capital endured .
18 This limits the length of run which can be used between booster stages which receive light , reconstitute and amplify the electrical signals , and re-inject light into the next stage of fibre .
19 Temperate species are slow to accept it ; those that de-hardened and resumed growth at the first sign of spring warming would suffer severe damage in subsequent frosts .
20 The team of three academics and six industrialists visited ICOT and discussed progress in the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Programme ( due to be completed in 1992 ) benchmarking of parallel systems and decomposition of parallel applications .
21 The 1st oboe plays the top line in the preceding four bars , and gives place to the 1st clarinet on reaching the aforesaid high F. Note the smooth movement of the horns in the chord-passage , and the introduction of the 2nd clarinet on the low E to complete the harmony at the sixth bar from the end .
22 Its ratings could go up if DSC remains profitable and generates cash for the next several quarters .
23 He co-authored the first Dalek movie , and wrote dialogue for the second virtually single-handedly .
24 If any charge is given in favour of the husband and is subsequent to a first mortgage , then the husband should register a Class C(i) Land Charge ( puisne mortgage ) against the former wife and serve notice of the second charge on the first mortgagee ( see Precedent 64 ) .
25 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
26 ‘ Laugh and have fun for the next two weeks because it 's what Les would have wanted , ’ she told the assembled guests at the launch at St George 's Hall .
27 In Belgium the clerical party won the 1880 elections and held power for the next twenty-five years , repealing an earlier secularization of education and making instruction in the Roman Catholic faith obligatory in all publicly maintained schools in 1895 .
28 Your mother was a silly greedy girl — a gold-digger who wanted to marry above her station , but took fright at the last moment , without caring what hurt she bestowed .
29 On May 17th a partial but telling answer to the first of these questions emerged when US West , one of America 's huge regional Bell telephone companies , said it would pay $1.5 billion for a 25% stake in Time Warner Entertainment ( TWE ) , the cable-TV and film subsidiary of the world 's biggest media conglomerate , whose stars include Mel Gibson ( pictured above ) .
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