Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The records must contain day-to-day entries of all money received or expended and of the matters to which that related and a record of the company 's assets and liabilities .
2 Far from being unflattering , they add cleavage , volume or support as in the Gossard Wonderbra .
3 One of the major costs of implementing new technology was the need to train for new skills , but Ms Edwards found that once new technology was adopted it was often under-used or misapplied because of the lack of expertise and investment .
4 That 's very important to understand , for most of the aircraft 's performance and behaviour is governed by its formidable ability to accelerate or decelerate because of the availability of power in large quantities and propeller drag in proportional amounts .
5 And shall there insert every persons name that shall be wedded christened or buryded And for the sauff ( safe ) kepinge the same boke the parish shale bonde to provide of these comen charges one sure coffer with twoo lockes and keys where of the one to remayne with you and the other with the said wardens , wherein the said boke shalbe laide upp Which boke ye shall every Sonday take furthe and in the presence of the said wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the weddinges , christenyngs and buryenges made the hole weke before , And that done to lay upp the boke in the said coffer as afore .
6 Neither will the contract be avoided or frustrated if at the time the goods perish , property has already passed to the buyer .
7 It is in their own interest to do so : each wants to pursue its own policies , which it believed to be in the best interests of the country , without having those policies tempered or abandoned because of the need to enter into alliance with another party .
8 It is not the purpose of this or the following chapter to present a comprehensive guide to the administration of a solicitors ' practice or to advise as to the ways in which its profitability can be increased .
9 The article does not , however , cover the stories that go unreported or un-analysed because of the media 's obsession with filth .
10 Foresterships of fee , and the lands appurtenant thereto , were grand serjeanties , and therefore ought not to have been divided or alienated except by the king 's licence .
11 Narrow neutrality consists in helping or hindering them to an equal degree in those activities and regarding those resources that they would wish neither to engage in nor to acquire but for the conflict .
12 Perhaps the most significant of these changes occurred more in the institutions and managerial frameworks in which ‘ art ’ was produced and consumed than in the studios .
13 We apologise for having used old fashioned terminology in misnaming Enterococcus faecalis as Streptococcus faecalis , but the apparent redesignation of the organism as Gram negative was not intentional and arose because of the eradication of one too many ‘ organisms ’ from the text , which should read : ‘ Important indications for this category include infections due to Gram negative organisms ; organisms , such as Enterococcus faecalis , causing infective endocarditis ; osteomyelitis ; and infections of vascular grafts . ’
14 I have always found the quality to be of an extremely high standard and presumed that with the publicity generated by the 150th anniversary celebrations last year , there would have been an increase in interest in the magazine .
15 He adopted the right test and asked whether in the circumstances this mother 's decision was within the band of what a reasonable mother would do .
16 You know what you want a do , get some bags and bag that stuff up and sell that on the side of the road fifty p a bag .
17 ‘ They had developed some particularly good methodologies on key performance measurement that they had previously tried to apply to the US insurance industry , and failed because of the lack of diversification into defined activities in the US .
18 This lovely supple rubber here is exactly the same supple rubber here at one time but now it 's gone all hard and denatured because of the chemicals .
19 It was Li Chao who first suggested I should have a Chinese name and I was both grateful and honoured when in the course of time he gave me the three-character name of Tdong Lao Fu which meant , literally , ‘ Portrait of Happy Man Climbing Mountain ’ .
20 There are plenty of facilities for waterskiing , windsurfing and paragliding and alongside the beach runs a palm tree lined avenue of shops , boutiques , bars , open-air cafés and restaurants , all making for a lively , bustling atmosphere .
21 There are plenty of facilities for waterskiing , windsurfing and paragliding and alongside the beach runs a palm tree lined avenue of shops boutiques , bars , open-air cafés and restaurants , all making for a lively , bustling atmosphere .
22 In due course , the company informed their financial advisers of the new arrangement and agreed that in the circumstances , proper practice dictated that D be told of the new development .
23 But he fell in with Southey 's plans , none the less , and agreed that in the meantime they must live frugally in Bristol and earn money .
24 She felt a rush of excitement and anticipation , and realised that in the preoccupations of the last half hour she had not thought of Giles Carnaby once — definitely a record .
25 I was going to do it this morning and bring and for the box that they have the old prayer I think going up to Yugoslavia soon
26 All agreed that it had been an exciting week , sometimes emotional and demanding but in the end enjoyable and full of the message of joy and peace .
27 A couple of weeks later , on October 13 1948 , the State Department 's secret circular instruction ‘ Pattern of Soviet Policy in Far-East and South-East Asia ’ afforded a general conspectus which , apart from assuming boundless and malevolent Soviet intentions , also inferred a single goal ‘ to ensure Soviet control being as surely installed and predominate as in the satellite countries behind the Iron Curtain ’ .
28 And the thing that was said a lot was a Slippery Elm stick , well I still do n't really know what it was but er it was a kind of a s , bark of the Slippery Elms , a Slippery Elm bark or something and they sharpened it to a point and inserted that into the womb you see and it was done , and then of course I heard a lot about gin , sitting in a hot bath with gin .
29 But I would place a somewhat different emphasis , and suggest that in the Chewong case fear is a positive emotion and encouraged in children because to be fearful is to be human , while the arousal of other inner states is negatively valued and discouraged — as manifest in the various rules that forbid them ( see Howell 1981 ) .
30 Robert Gray has analysed marriage patterns in late nineteenth-century Edinburgh and concludes that by the end of the period , patterns of segregated intermarriage as between the families of skilled " and " unskilled " workers were tending to break down .
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