Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Frequently , they expressed a sympathy for guerrilla activities and direct action , without recognizing that successful guerrilla movements were either controlled by an organized and disciplined party ( as in China ) or turned themselves into a traditional type of party ( as in Cuba ) when it became necessary to consolidate their rule and implement their policies .
2 The defendant supplied the product otherwise than in the course of a business and the defendant did not produce it ( or own-brand it or import it into the European Community ) with a view to profit .
3 For large tensile specimens most test machines use swivelling or gimbal grip mountings to avoid such effects of non-axiality , but when small specimens are used , of a few millimetres in cross-section as is common with polymer tests , axiality may become more difficult to achieve because the mass of the swivelling grip requires considerable stress to rotate or move it into the axial position .
4 It is impossible to force or encourage someone into a different sexuality from that which pertains to them . '
5 One could either leave the sliding door open and see the world go by down the corridor , or close oneself into a private cocoon ; and at night , one 's bed descended from the ceiling and on to the seat of the facilities which effectively put them out of use .
6 He had it all worked out : the hand over her mouth , the knife under her eyes , and drag her into the dark shed .
7 The Levellers articulated this awareness , and channelled it into a coherent set of democratic political demands .
8 The public are respectfully informed , that the Committee appointed by the Odiham Agriculture Society to consider the best method of improving the Art commonly called Farriery , have , in pursuance of that design , and feeling themselves unable to act with due energy and effect in the capacity of a Committee , found it expedient to detach themselves from that respectable Society , and to erect themselves into the present form .
9 I stood up , took Flavia 's hand and led her into a little room .
10 He untied Dobbs and led her into a large dark shed .
11 He saw her state at once and without another word took her arm and led her into the little sitting room .
12 They were opened with huge and ancient keys , and led one into a secret world of liquid green shadows .
13 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
14 Finally , still silent , she turned and led us into the main room .
15 For the electronically minded , the easiest method is to obtain a 25 Kohm volume control from a radio spares shop , mount this in a metal box to screen it from hum pick-up , and connect it into the audio dub line .
16 She feels full of it and moulds it into a glowing ball deep within .
17 Within south Korea policy should be aimed at consolidating democratic groups and drawing them into the military administration .
18 The champions have to overturn a daunting 3-0 deficit at Elland Road tomorrow night if they are to get past Stuttgart and make it into the European Cup second round .
19 Aptly named Swing Shift , John Frieda takes looks of the past and transforms them into the sleek , set styles of today — with a little from modern technology of course !
20 Quite apart from the deafening thunder of the falls , and the awe-inspiring sight of their dramatic descent , the effect can be sheer magic on a fine day ; as the sunlight catches the spray in flight , and transforms it into an elusive pattern of shapes and colours that suggest in painting the Impressionism of Manet or the mists of Corot , or in music , the evocative nuances of Debussy .
21 Beggars ca n't be choosers though , he thought philosophically as he got up , removed the boiling kettle from the gas ring and emptied it into a small china teapot .
22 He took the ladder and slung it into the snow-covered bushes .
23 ‘ If we 're acting for the smaller firm it invariably happens , and if and when we 're acting for the larger firm we always identify the key partners in the smaller firm and bring them into the new management team , ’ Mr Llambias reveals .
24 He believes it should take the parts of our lives that are most sore , most hurtful , most unspoken , most taboo and bring them into the public sphere .
25 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
26 They , they did have the option that they could have had complete absolute egalitarianism and made everybody into a poor peasant , but the commun but the commun the Communist Party were progressive and they s saw that how that you needed to have industrialization in order to increase the welfare of peasants which was their ultimate aim , and I mean it appears that how that they did n't actually care er what kinds of means they 'd have to achieve that , as in capitalism was justified in this longer term perspective .
27 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
28 He organised my stag weekend last year and made it into a memorable one .
29 But he left to take on the run-down Staffordshire country house called Alton Towers and made it into a top leisure and theme park .
30 She folded the silver square of wrapping paper in half and made it into a little boat .
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