Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Once a bank purchases such bills it can hold the bills to maturity or sell them in a secondary market to any other bank(s) .
2 The Public Service Vehicles ( Conduct of Drivers , Conductors and Passengers ) Regulations makes it an offence for a person to ‘ use obscene and offensive language , or to conduct himself in a riotous or disorderly manner . ’
3 Participants are invited to bring kites or make one in the on-site kite workshop .
4 If you try to make life complicated for yourself by using the wrong tool or handling it in an inappropriate fashion then the result is solely your responsibility .
5 SUPPOSE you have a print by Picasso , Dali , Miro or Chagall , or sold one in the past few years : you have a special interest in a Brooklyn courtroom this week .
6 If a stranger , or a bully , or even someone you know tries to harm you or touch you in a frightening way , RUN AWAY and get help .
7 The judge also had to consider a submission made by the mother that the return of the children ( if ordered ) would expose them to a ‘ grave risk of physical or psychological harm or place them in an intolerable situation ’ within the terms of paragraph ( b ) of article 13 .
8 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
9 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
10 Someone may jump onto you or grab you in a lonely street .
11 Dispose of dirty nappies by flushing them down the toilet , or put them in a sealed plastic bag .
12 Drain well in a colander and divide them among individual bowls or put them in a large soup tureen .
13 Some furnishings , pot-holders and ornaments have a very strong-smelling varnish coating , particularly cheap bamboo products with a glossy surface If you have any items of this sort , banish them or put them in an airtight container .
14 Or put it in a left-luggage compartment somewhere . ’
15 What the charity groups think of him is hardly going to make or break him in the operatic world . ’
16 This includes activities undertaken by individuals to prevent disease or to detect it in an asymptomatic state .
17 It is difficult to speak of popular religion or to define it in a satisfactory way , because it included an amalgam of magic and superstition , belief and doubt , the pagan and the Christian .
18 Or imagine yourself in a peaceful place .
19 The likeliest sources of error would be to underestimate ganglion cell density in the central retina , or overestimate it in the peripheral retina , in the standard distribution function .
20 Those of us who did n't join up until 1943 , either because we were too young or like me in a reserved occupation , did n't really stand much chance of promotion , not unless we were absolutely brilliant and not many of us were that .
21 After use , you can either throw the used head away , or clean it in the usual way .
22 Two alternatives are possible , either to sell the machine now for £4,200 or use it in a new project that is currently under evaluation .
23 burning pet waste , or placing it in a sealed bag in a suitable container .
24 It was stated that authorities on the Japanese constitution did not see difficulty in fitting security provisions into a treaty or placing it in a discrete American-Japanese treaty .
25 At one time it was not uncommon for a retailer to display an exemption clause in his premises or include it in a written contract even though that clause was rendered totally ineffective by Act of Parliament .
26 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
27 ‘ The native habit of tethering horses and hobbling them in the full glare of a torrid sun ( with a temperature of perhaps 120 degrees F. in the shade ) destroys the strongest constitution and often kills them out-right …
28 Alexandra took the long pins out of her hat and laid them in the red glass tray on her dressing-table .
29 They form a component of some social stratification systems simply because members of those systems select certain characteristics and evaluate them in a particular way .
30 A man dragged her into an alleyway , and attacked her in a nearby churchyard .
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