Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [verb] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ultimate innovation is the production of a brand new product or process which revolutionises an existing market or creates a new one .
2 Notes in Winston Churchill 's files suggested that Britain 's options were either to send a " correct " reply to the South , commiserating with him in declining to advise him , or to encourage him along the American line , or to urge him to undertake an all-out campaign against Mossadeq .
3 Are they designed to assess levels of intellectual ability , or do they have an ulterior motive in seeking to shine a light on a suitable psyche ?
4 ‘ Is your question one of personal curiosity , or does it represent an official line of enquiry ? ’ countered Toby , crossing his skeletal ankles .
5 In the later part of the decade , its theories and campaigns seemed to many to be the only active and innovative part of the western feminist movement , and affirming or rejecting it occupied an enormous proportion of feminist writing and talk .
6 Did you put your name on it or have you done an anonymous piece of homework ?
7 The new Fowler operation had certainly made use of the sales information , but this did not involve any breach of contract by Mr Fowler and the other former employees , nor did it show an actionable conspiracy .
8 This does not imply an absence of norms , nor does it incorporate an implicit racism : rather , polygamy and divorce are the norms , leading to a wide range of local , unstable types .
9 PC-ometer We take the three ratings — CPU , DISK and VIDEO and combine them to get an overall performance mark .
10 However , as professionals they were not content to act as mere checkers , but felt that they had an obligation to express an opinion of the work they saw before them , and found they had an extraordinary agreement with the views of Burn , much to the resentment of other judges .
11 A disgruntled postman rang up a radio chat show to complain , and found himself spearheading an anti-Florio movement that culminated in 50,000 people marching on the state capitol .
12 He sneaked a look at her , and found he had an excellent view of the back of her head ; she was staring out of the passenger window at the darkening vista of St James 's Park .
13 And forgive me asking an indelicate question but how are you off for money — on the whole trip ?
14 Walsh added : ‘ I expect James 's ankle to be right but I 'll probably start him from the bench and let him make an explosive entrance .
15 Then the Philharmonic had some crisis and claimed they needed an extra rehearsal elsewhere .
16 Kay Evans presented their certificates to all the new teachers who were present , congratulated them all and encouraged them to take an active part in the training days .
17 The Swastika signifies a ‘ union of principles ’ — the infusion of spirit and matter which forms an essential aspect of Relativity , namely , energy and matter are one and interconvertible .
18 Its stated aim is to develop a greater degree of responsibility for pregnancies among both men and women and to allow them to make an informed choice .
19 Telephone your branch and ask them to make an immediate transfer between accounts .
20 When Mrs Chamberlin had gone , hurrying into the gloomy February afternoon , her oatmeal figure bent resolutely against the wind , Alexandra looked round the drawing-room and saw it had an animated , unsettled look , as if the last caller had stirred everything to action , all the silver photograph frames , the vases and pin-cushions , the rugs and cushions and shaded lamps .
21 I had noticed the scaffolding placed around it the week before and thought it looked an odd sight , with the Chairman 's head just visible over the striped plastic sheeting .
22 He had been given and had himself taken an immense amount out of that mining culture .
23 She lifted her head defiantly , wanting to spare him nothing and to make him feel an absolute heel .
24 There is a lot hidden in that word ‘ suitable ’ , but let us put an upper limit of 1 in 100 billion billion for the maximum amount of luck that this argument entitles us to assume .
25 These were the right decisions , I believe , but had they adopted an average yardstick in 1935 , rather than a maximum , and kept the yardstick in line with actual average production figures , the necessary steps taken would have appeared less dramatic .
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