Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most reports of this incident underlined Mrs White 's loss , or used her son as a metaphor for the ‘ death of hope ’ in a precinct riddled with drugs .
2 This relates them to all the other uses of blend and modal dare seen above , dare itself being conceived as a mere possibility , thereby negating or questioning its existence as a reality constituting a before-position with respect to the event performed due to the daring ( that expressed by the infinitive ) .
3 The father does not challenge the mother 's parenting abilities or impugn her capacity as a good mother .
4 Indeed it says that it wants to hand its own computer business over to NCR 's managers , and has pledged not to close the firm 's factories or sack its workers as a result of the merger .
5 If you would like to join the committee and influence policy , pass on a good idea , attend the community lunch held for those working in the area , get involved in producing the regular Headington Area Newsletter , join an informal discussion group or borrow material on Health , Parenting or Caring for the Elderly , make a special request or offer your services as a tutor or Youth Club volunteer , we would love to hear from you .
6 Note the lively sculpture of the roof line , one figure looking as if he is smoking a hubble-bubble or earning his living as a snake charmer : in fact he is a fireman !
7 Also , in the same passage , he says he is going to pack his bag — ‘ my pauper 's bag ’ — and end up either dead of starvation in a ditch or earning his keep as a tutor in some merchant 's house .
8 That voice is ever changing as we learn and develop our technique as a group .
9 This may only serve to aggravate matters further and undermine your role as a neutral .
10 We have analysed the influence of a combined index ( the Newcastle prescribing index ) , which is based on patient age and sex , on the prescribing of general practitioners in two family health services authorities and evaluated its usefulness as a notional indicator of costs and items .
11 It would be an important step towards APR taking its place as a familiar comparative yardstick of credit costliness for the general run of consumers , and proving its value as a useful warning signal for high-cost credit deals .
12 A strong force behind her husband 's career , she was the first woman chairman of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations in 1926 , a member of the Church Assembly 's house of laity from 1925 and of the archbishop 's commission on church and state ( 1930–5 ) , and succeeded her husband as a BBC governor .
13 Police believe Gary may have been caught up in the world of drugs and met his death as a result .
14 Then , grasping the shoe and using its heel as a club , smite the biscuit tin lid with such force that it flies across the room and the egg plops into the glass , unbroken .
15 Ironically , by writing the novel Christine Brooke-Rose pursued the opposite route and made her début as a ‘ lady novelist ’ .
16 In 1906 , having worked as a foreman on Merseyside , he became general organizer of the National Union of Dock Labourers under ( Sir ) James Sexton [ q.v. ] , and made his mark as a strike leader and socialist propagandist in Belfast during 1907 .
17 Hislop trained with Bratt and made his début as a principal singer at the Royal Swedish Opera , Stockholm , as Faust in C. F. Gounod 's opera on 12 September 1914 .
18 NSE 's name , and livery , was chosen to give a new character and significance to the rail system in the south east , and to emphasise its unity as a system , no longer a series of independent lines owning loyalty not to London as a whole but to long-abolished independent railway companies .
19 For all those years Adolph Brückner had guarded his bloody loot and built his reputation as an art lover around it .
20 He serrated the air with his sword and used his shield as a wall and a battering-ram .
21 The assumption , which the project sets out to test , is that the State is increasingly withdrawing from the business of providing services but strengthening and widening its role as the regulator of services produced by others in the private and voluntary sectors .
22 In the aftermath of Suez , Britain had no other option but to try to repair the damage done to her trans-Atlantic anchor cables and to accept her position as an offshore island of the United States .
23 The work of Askew and Ross ( 1982 ) stresses the ever-present fantasy images of the tough , macho heroes and challenges its appropriateness as a sole model of manhood .
24 When the Green party was formed 20 years ago , many treated it as a political joke and dismissed its members as a bunch of idealistic hippies .
25 Repealers were particularly intolerant of unreformed and unrepentant women , adopting a punitive attitude towards them and explaining their resistance as a product of the demoralizing effects of forced medical inspection .
26 With Labour now likely to bury their tax madness in their charge to the right , the Tories have to stay well ahead of them and consolidate their position as the party committed to cutting public waste and bringing down tax rates .
27 By 692 the king felt politically strong enough to countenance the seizure of some of the estates of the church of Ripon and project its restoration as a bishopric .
28 ‘ I must go and do my duty as a host for what 's left of the night . ’
29 But we know that people disagree to some extent about the right principles of behaviour , so we distinguish that requirement from the different ( and weaker ) requirement that they act in important matters with integrity , that is , according to convictions that inform and shape their lives as a whole , rather than capriciously or whimsically .
30 He ought not to have died , and if I had gone with my mother to the doctor and done my part as a son , I feel as if he need not have done . ’
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