Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you have any questions on this insurance cover please ring Joan Daniels , or bring your queries to the discussion time at our next meeting in March .
2 Have I in any respect misused the resources which Thou gavest me , or used my senses to no purpose , or my preconceptions ?
3 A NEW directory of scientific research projects at Oxford University is available free for companies looking for opportunities to collaborate with academics or transfer their technology to the marketplace .
4 I 'll build my own museum in Pittsburgh , or someplace else , or give my paintings to the National Gallery in London .
5 There are mothers and daughters who can talk freely about sex , and mothers who send or accompany their daughter to the doctor to get the Pill , as Tracy 's mother had , but they tend to be the exception .
6 It is possible to regard the perceived characteristics of the universities as both strengths and weaknesses , to applaud or to regret their commitment to the ‘ guardianship ’ of knowledge and their resistance to performing the ‘ wider service ’ , and in both cases to end up with the binary policy .
7 Where a licensing board : ( a ) refuses to grant , renew or transfer a licence under this Part of this Act , or ( b ) on an application for the grant of a licence under this Part of this Act , specifies , as types of liquor which may be sold under the licence , types other than those in respect of which the application for the licence was made , or ( c ) on an application for renewal of a licence under this Part of this Act , does not comply with any request duly made by the applicant for a change in the specification of the types of liquor which may be sold under the licence , or ( d ) requires modifications in the rules proposed to be made as to the persons entitled to use the canteen , or withholds its consent to a variation of those rules , or ( e ) makes an order under section 42(4) of this Act , the applicant or , as the case may be , the licence-holder may appeal to the sheriff from such a decision of the licensing board .
8 She strongly approves of her brother 's attention to his second great house at Chawton , because he is ‘ proving & strengthening his attachment to the place by making it better ’ , even down to a ‘ solicitude ’ for the inadequate dimensions of a pantry door ; for an attention to domestic minutiae , if normally unstated , indicates a concern for other people , at least at one 's own level of society .
9 In comparison a postmodernist film like Beneix 's Diva or David Lynch 's Blue Velvet will not distance the spectator or call his/her attention to the ‘ picture surface ’ .
10 I tell you this sister only that you may be warned and not endanger your dear son 's health or put your husband to an unnecessary and useless journey .
11 But even when that linkage has been broken by the entrance of a new press owner — Conrad Black , Rupert Murdoch , David Stevens — the newspapers in question have either maintained or reasserted their commitment to the political right .
12 If your hospitalization is sudden , say , you are struck down with appendicitis at work , ask your work colleagues to telephone the neighbour who keeps your spare key and ask him or her to check that your home is all right , look after your pet or take your pet to a local kennels or vet to be looked after , water your plants , and generally keep an eye on things .
13 Women then feel a choice has to be made — one that has been socially determined — between attempting to conform or relinquishing their claim to a ‘ proper ’ sexual identity .
14 ‘ It is not that he had abandoned or qualified his commitment to the principle of non-violence ’ .
15 For instance , women may be forced to leave their job for domestic reasons or to follow their partner to a new job .
16 Rehearsing Kurt Weill 's Street Scene , I am in daily contact with a composer who was not embarrassed to entertain , nor to adapt his vision to the audience .
17 The hens moved carefully about , picking their way on their spindly yellow legs , muttering comfortably to each other and darting their heads to the ground every so often in pursuit of something delicious .
18 Then she stood up and led her friend to the door .
19 Quite apart from the threat of legal proceedings from sect appointed lawyers , he also had Deputy Commissioner Elrick eagerly awaiting the slightest slip on his part , to pounce and nail his ass to the wall with a disciplinary hearing .
20 Leland Palmer ignores him , doing what all good rock'n'roll drivers do : pointing out the house where Robin Williams lives , pulling up at a liquor store , and drawing our attention to a woman with an exceptionally large arse riding a bike .
21 Howard realised the importance of avoiding walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools or on other people 's carpets , so he decided to walk barefoot on grass and on the beach whenever possible , or simply to sit outside and expose his feet to the elements .
22 ESSEX all-rounder Mark Waugh hit a majestic 121 as New South Wales reached 349–4 against the West Indies yesterday , ending a run of four successive ducks and proving his form to the Australian selectors .
23 ‘ I mean stand up slowly and make yer way to the back shop and we can all have a wee chat .
24 Coaches should plan to arrive at junction 21 of the M1 at 1pm to 1.30 and make their way to the rendezvous point .
25 Now , although no bombs ever fell in the country district where they lived , from time to time the air raid warning sirens would sound and Sylvia 's mother would take her baby and make her way to the shelter at the bottom of the garden , remaining there until she heard the ‘ all-clear ’ .
26 ‘ I promise you we 'd be much better to go quietly back on to the road and make our way to the Fire Court . ’
27 He had reached Blakemere , which was only two miles further on , when he pondered if he should take another direction and make his way to the river , but the thought that even this far out there 'd be a number of people on the banks today , mostly youngsters , he guessed , swimming or playing the usual dangerous game of swinging out over the river on a rope attached to a tree branch , deterred him .
28 When at last he was able to throw aside his damp sheet and make his way to the window the panorama he had last seen on the day of the sepoy attack had been transformed .
29 Fashion editors , after all , are forever exhorting us to express ourselves in every peplum , to use checks to tell the world where we are at , and to affirm our commitment to the modern lifestyle with Lycra .
30 In 1786 , when Robert Burns was preparing his poetry for publication for the first time , he took his manuscript to Glenconner and read his poems to the Tennant family for their approval or otherwise .
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