Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [art] good [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to carry the smallest possible quantity of water or get the best possible price in the market , the judgements you make are important in a way those made in a water tray or school shop can never be .
2 But it will reduce the likelihood of those forces re-emerging as a threat to the West and favour a better military balance between the former Soviet republics .
3 This has meant attempting to diversify energy imports with regard to the nature and the location of sources as well as achieving and maintaining the best possible balance between stability and flexibility in supply arrangements .
4 They should also be encouraged to take plenty of exercise and eat a good healthy diet .
5 I sha n't be sorry to get home to Blackstone Rd , it worries me to think of the damp and the dirt , I hope you did what I said and aired all the rooms and linen like I said and got a good cleaning woman in like I said the same as with you , I hope .
6 It is minced fairly finely with a high proportion of fat to meat and has a good spicy flavour which is not too hot , although peppercorns and other spices are often included .
7 Even here , I expect his mother comes in from time to time and has a good old poke round . ’
8 ‘ I want help in obtaining a divorce and gaining the best possible arrangements for me and my children ’ .
9 Neural cells can be kept in good condition in vivo for many hours , and provide a good chemical test system and model for memory .
10 He is very sober too , and bears a good moral character ; and he is laughable , but not contemptible .
11 Most importantly , perhaps , the venture capitalist can be relied on to identify and negotiate the best possible exit route , since it is on this that the investors ' return depends .
12 So if savers are determined to ignore their consciences and chase the best possible returns , mortgage rates must remain under pressure .
13 With so many potential ramps available , you should look well ahead and select a good steep wave .
14 He has taken the well-established record of annual changes in the average temperature of the northern hemisphere since 1881 , and obtained the best possible fit to this pattern by combining the three external influences : the greenhouse , volcanic and solar effects .
15 John himself was in no hurry to get married , he still lived with his mother in a small working man 's house in Moss Side and enjoyed a good social life .
16 Have the flexibility of being able to shop around for the best possible deals and get the best professional advice ;
17 We invoke the name of Omnipotence , humbly imploring his power and approbation ; to our countrymen we say , cease from your ribbons and banners ; support party struggles no more ; leave them to die , to exhaust themselves ; support those men of all parties who will espouse and maintain the good old rule of Christianity … we must ourselves be the great instrument of our regeneration .
18 Have several light points and keep a good general level of lighting at all times , using fairly high wattage lamps and switching on early , well before dusk and twilight .
19 We are now commencing the 1993 competition and to assess the best all-round golfer from our monthly winners , all 12 will be invited to a Grand Final in October next year at the Royal Mid-Surrey GC .
20 The system received and stored the best current bids , qualified customer buy and sell orders , executed orders as well as monitoring stock inventory and profit .
21 Cornelius turned and took a good long look .
22 McDonald 's UK packaging supplier was instructed to investigate and implement the best non-CFC alternative .
23 Ltd. , Doulton also made and donated the best royal dinner service with a plain gold rim for 18 people , complete with 22 serving and covered vegetable dishes .
24 We took a handful of blubbery beauties and a fistful of raging rockers and had a good hard look at the pros and cons of facial deformity .
25 We took a handful of blubbery beauties and a fistful of raging rockers and had a good hard look at the pros and cons of facial deformity .
26 He actually said to them , if you can find , you know , a hundred good men then I wo n't burn your city and then he put it down and down and down and had a good old bargain .
27 The gas works operated at lower temperatures ( about 800°C ) , so coal gas was slightly richer in hydrocarbons and had a better calorific value than coke oven gas ( see Table 2 ) .
28 Tares fix nitrogen and have a good fibrous root system which helps to improve heavy clay soils , preferring these to light or very acid soils .
29 At Bodycare '92 you will be able to seek advice from the experts and have a good old browse through all of the stands .
30 That 's likely to be a very common specification for machines you will have come across , and makes a good low-end reference point We have n't set a ‘ boiling point ’ machine , but we have set another reference point at the 25MHz 386 level — we 've used the Ambra Sprinta as the reference machine here .
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