Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] the second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All the colleagues I have mentioned so far either abstained or voted against the Second Reading of the Maastricht Bill .
2 I di I dive off the first board but I could n't even jump or drop off the second board .
3 The interesting factor in all those arguments is that my hon. Friends who sat on the respective Committees or spoke on the Second Reading of Bills associated with privatisation said at the time that the Government were privatising monopoly , not introducing effective competition and regulation , and the matter would have to be examined again .
4 They were fledged and flown by the second week in February , is this a record ?
5 It was enthralling entertainment prompted by United 's need to gamble and attack in the second half .
6 The ensemble includes two flutes , one doubling piccolo : Mozart never wrote a serenade for wind using flutes , but of course The Magic Flute there had to be flutes , Papageno 's pipes too , represented at the very beginning of the first movement , and returning in the second movement , by the piccolo .
7 British politics in the 1930s were often disillusioning for the labour movement , starting with the defection of the Labour Party 's leadership and the Party 's electoral eclipse , and ending with the Second World War , which destroyed the party 's hope of peace through disarmament and the League of Nations .
8 And , using all his force , he ran and crashed into the second assassin , who was winching back the arbalest for another bolt .
9 Many of these features of the modern world were only the surface manifestations of the much greater structural changes begun in early industrialism and accelerated since the Second World War .
10 These topics are developed and broadened in the second year and more emphasis is placed on rigour and abstraction .
11 Definitely an acquired taste was a clunky Spanish colonial gilt-metal mounted mother-of-pearl , tortoiseshell , pewter , ebonised and parcel-gilt cabinet made for a viceroy of Peru , and dating from the second half of the seventeenth century .
12 Happy as a Sandbag , A musical review of the 1940s , which opens tonight , features songs , dances and acts from the Second World War .
13 The information from the first Panel Survey supplied in the form of grids as well as reports is being analysed to ensure that necessary modifications to the approach or to the methodology will be identified and approved before the second Panel Survey , which is due to start in the autumn .
14 They left within two days of his release , leaving me tired , dazed , relieved and waiting for the Second Son to come ‘ home ’ for yet another week-end .
15 They 've got to keep working and going for the second ball .
16 A foreigner , and housed on the second floor of the hospital block in the cell that it was said had held the pilot Gary Powers and the businessman Greville Wynne .
17 Lopsided and vulnerable , he tried to climb the barrage and get to the second balloon .
18 Gary 's neat and composed approach was enjoyed by the discerning fans but some Palace supporters found it difficult to accept this refined talent in the hustle and bustle of the Second Division of the mid-1980s .
19 And I 'm going to talk about , and make do and mend in the second world war .
20 Then they replaced the nonfiction temporarily , as the volumes came to hand , and started on the second half .
21 Or he could jettison the myth and run in the second ballot as the leader of the majority , which was what he had in effect been since October 1962 .
22 I 'm prepared to stay with West Ham and play in the Second Division . ’
23 This pleasure would appear to have been remote from the adult satisfactions mentioned in the previous paragraph and is a manifestation of the ‘ joie de vivre ’ which is at the very heart of the urge for life , which is itself the product of ‘ desire ’ as introduced and discussed in the Second Period .
24 What emerges is a kind of fundamentalist dynastic priesthood associated with the principle of a Davidic Messiah and extending from the second century B.C. through the period covered by the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles .
25 Now a drop of the solution in the first test-tube is removed and put into the second test-tube .
26 From then one we are taken through a Druids ' Grove to consider swords , war trumpets , and the bronze shield cover discovered in the River Witham in Lincolnshire and dates from the second century BC .
27 Asked in interviews about his parents , Crawford tells the story of his RAF sergeant-pilot father who was shot down and killed during the Second World War , before his birth .
28 In further discussion the suggestion was made that the best course would be to introduce the Bill without any provision abolishing capital punishment and to explain in the Second Reading debate that , since the question of capital punishment was one on which there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines , the Government felt that the matter should be left to a free vote .
29 In view of the evident division of opinion among Ministers , it was suggested at the meeting of the Cabinet on 19th June that the best course would be to introduce the Criminal Justice Bill without any provision abolishing capital punishment and to explain in the Second Reading Debate that since the question of capital punishment was one on which there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines , the Government felt that the matter should be left to a free vote on the Report Stage of the Bill .
30 But knocking on the second door she came to was n't as easy as it sounded .
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