Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [art] [noun] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In a clear allusion to North Korea , it was stated that " political dialogue with other countries in no way means that we give up our principled positions and priorities or forgo the interests of third parties " .
2 In any case , however , the landlord should insist that the tenant either pays for the costs of security , or indemnifies the landlord against third party claims arising out of the use of the building out of hours .
3 Its backers , which include the government 's British Technology Group , have told the firm to cut back on research and make a profit by next year or face closure .
4 However , the committee went further and tabled a motion for next month 's full council meeting in which they attacked the motives behind the original motion tabled by newly-elected Tory councillor Philip Vanner .
5 Others said that Sawyer had panicked and gone straight out and given the signal without first doing the reconnoitring for which Ryan had allowed time .
6 ‘ Pigs might fly , ’ the paramedic muttered , and fastened the collar at last .
7 ‘ You may stay and catch the ferry at first light when it crosses but that is your decision . ’
8 After the harvest Kāli brought up the cows to graze the stubble and fertilize the fields for next year 's buckwheat crop .
9 ( p944 ) His Lordship specifically rejected the argument that drivability was the sole test of merchantability and overturned the decision at first instance ( [ 1987 ] 2 WLR 353 ) where it is held that the vehicle was merchantable as its defects did not destroy " the workable character " of the machine .
10 I believe they need a more direct winger , someone in the Gordon Strachan mould who will get into crossing positions and put the ball in first time .
11 In addition , their type foundries also took licenses and began the production of first Type 3 and then Type 1 fonts .
12 Count your change and remember the fare for next time .
13 By 1984 , he had performed the same task for showbiz mainstreamers like Robert Goulet , Neil Sedaka and Tina Turner , and landed a job as second host on a short-lived talk show .
14 Further along the Pacific coast is Los Angeles , which has dazzled the world as supreme creator of the Hollywood legend , immortalising glamour and feeding the minds of twentieth century filmgoers .
15 1 966 ; Shores I 970 ) and founded a journal at first entitled Library-College Journal and later re-named Learning Today .
16 I trudge up the High Street and pay no attention at first to the sirens .
17 The 43-year-old Irishman is having to battle through the qualifying rounds in Blackpool to try and clinch a place in next April 's finals of the £1 million Embassy world championship in Sheffield .
18 I watched water the colour of the Thames at low tide drain away while I dried myself , and felt the horror of last night drain away with it .
19 We had coffee with the team members and their families and saw a slide-show of last year 's trip .
20 The Celtic style of the animals reflects Romano-British workmanship , and dates the knife to 1st-2nd century AD .
21 So , unless there is some once only event going on — such as little green men arriving from outer space — restrain your enthusiasm and take a look round first , especially if the location is completely new to you .
22 Two non-constituency Council seats were designated for financial services and for sole practitioner representation , and following a resolution at last year 's Annual General Meeting , the Society made an initial pump-priming grant to a newly formed sole practitioners ' group which subsequently achieved Law Society group status .
23 Mr Douglas finished well behind but recorded a seven per cent swing and pushed the Conservatives into third place .
24 On Feb. 7 the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali announced sweeping changes to the structure of the UN Secretariat , cutting the number of top departments from over 20 to eight , and reducing the number of first and second-level jobs from 48 to 32 .
25 On the next page Table 7 an Figure 4 summarises the exporting performance from industry sectors within Grampian and Tayside and provides a comparison with last year 's results .
26 In view of the serious incident that took place last night in Bradford , may we have a statement on the working of the Act to examine the possibility of a licensing system to curb even further the possession of such potentially highly dangerous weapons and to prevent a repetition of last night 's attack ?
27 The Government had been due to confirm the route on Wednesday but postponed the details until next week .
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