Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 limits the extent to which liability can be excluded or limited for breach of contract , or for negligence , or under the terms implied by the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and other legislation containing similar provisions , such as the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 .
2 They would go to one another 's flats , have supper in a bistro , go to a film , or sit at home with bowls of spaghetti , chatting and watching television .
3 William 's accession to the English throne marked a return to the attitude of hostility to France , and for almost all of the following 125 years England was either at war with France or preparing for war with France or recovering from war with France .
4 A Go-Kart is in a similar position , but both a dumper truck and a Go-Kart can become ‘ motor vehicles ’ if it can be proved that they have been adapted or intended for use on roads .
5 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
6 The sheet is then printed on one side with the sheet being turned or tumbled from front to rear to print the opposite side .
7 As the decade rushed on , as he saw or read about slaughter in Abyssinia , beatings and murder in Hungary , Romania , Albania , racial violence in the Memel , Carpatho-Ukraine , Slovakia , fascist killing in Italy , Germany and Spain , communist in the east , Edward Carrington grew more and more amazed , then horrified , by the country that he supposed his own .
8 If you have too many pumpkin seeds they are delicious in stews or roasted on top of cheese on toast .
9 The rest were either converted to dwellings , such as Raunds which became a manor house , or demolished , or downgraded in status to chapels of ease .
10 Those who refused to do so could be removed from office or fined for neglect of duty .
11 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
12 More than half of the Shipman 's Tale consists of dialogue ( 237 lines out of 434 ) , a figure that increases if we count odd lines introducing a change of speaker or place in dialogue as part of the dialogue .
13 The death and injury toll was expected to rise , but some families of demonstrators were believed not to have reported their dead or wounded for fear of reprisals .
14 The company claims to have reached an agreement in principle either to lengthen the terms of its loans , or swap for debt for equity , and until detailed plans are presented on April 6 , the firm announced that it will suspend capital repayments on its loans .
15 One of the many unusual facets of Hannah Hauxwell is her reaction to certain situations which would daunt much more apparently sophisticated people and which one would expect to be overwhelming for a simple soul from the back of beyond , such as meeting , on level terms some of the famous and mighty , or appearing in front of milling crowds and even standing up to address them .
16 This is certainly a difficult poem for any translator to attempt — but then there is no Horatian lyric that could be called " easy " ; there are besetting problems , concerning metre and form , concerning word order , concerning a lexicon in which patent meanings are shadowed by possibilities of other meanings , concerning the importance of allusion , and above all the Horatian craft that mingles these elements interdependently , in patterns that persist or shift from strophe to strophe .
17 In order to get full compensation the buyer will have to look to tort , as in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation , or sue for breach of contract .
18 Within the chromosomes of a single individual , however , there are processes whereby pieces of DNA are duplicated , or moved from place to place .
19 In order to avoid this result the draftsman should define a reference to an Act of Parliament etc as including a reference to that Act etc as amended or re-enacted from time to time .
20 The cubes can be added to soups and sauces or thawed for use in puddings and cakes .
21 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
22 Top prices of the day as follows nurse cow or heifer with calf at heel £1,010 shown by W I and R H Hughes Lodge Trallwyn , nurse cow or heifer in calf £750 shown by G E Jones , Bro Dawel , cull cow per kilo 129.5p and cull cow overall at £841.75 both shown by O W Owen , Pen y Bont , Llangian , prime heifer by weights 146p shown by H W Roberts , Pen Cefn Mawr , single store bullock £641 shown by A Jones , Llyftyn Gwyn , single store heifers £597 shown by Mrs J Hughes , Ael y Bryn , pair of store bullocks £626 shown by Mssrs M and G Parry , Orfedd Fawr , pair of store heifers £608 shown by D W Griffiths , Plas Newydd , Llwyndyrys , bunch of four or more store cattle £588 , shown by G C Roberts , Llystyn Canol , pen of six or more ewe and lamb couples £25.50 shown by T Williams , Llechwedd .
23 Suitable for rock garden , raised beds , & naturalised in front of shrubs .
24 This is known as the talk through or walk through method of task analysis .
25 Left with no one with whom he could discuss the farm-work and stock when the day 's toil was over , Jonadab became more and more morose , spending most evenings staring into the fire or wandering from building to building , checking his animals .
26 In mid-June reports emerged that 17 people had been killed or injured in unrest on June 8 in Bukan in the north-west .
27 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
28 Occasionally the initiative comes from local sources , an enquiry or request for information about WEA provision and sometimes a keen local person will take upon himself the responsibility of calling a meeting .
29 An undertaking which abuses its dominant position on a particular product and geographic market may be fined by the EC Commission or sued in reliance on Article 86 for damages and/or an injunction in a national court by a party that has suffered damage .
30 Adult is only pure white medium-sized seabird of region , having no darker streaks or smudges on head in winter : breast faintly suffused pink .
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